Friday, November 29, 2013


 I think we had a high of 24 degrees today.  Fortunately it came with a good dose of sunshine.

 As it got brighter, it almost looked like steam was rising in the back 40.

Leftovers for lunch.
 I love to put cranberry-orange relish on a turkey sandwich.  (Yesterday we made a turkey breast so Finn and Coop would not miss out and I kept enough to make 2 sandwiches today).  If you saw my pictures yesterday, we did not have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  Instead, a roasted pork loin stuffed with caramelized apples, onions, apricots, prunes and craisins....along with potato pancakes, applesauce, sour cream, acorn squash (from our garden), stuffing, gravy, cranberry-orange relish and a waldorf salad.  Not to mention three pies made by Jenny (pumpkin, pecan and apple).
 Who would guess that we could be hungry today?

Spent the afternoon in front of the fire....watching a movie.

Evening chores at 5.  Didn't feel too bad out there.  Tonight it is supposed to go down to 9 degrees and back up to 35 tomorrow.

Tucked those ponies in and am ready for a nice hot shower.
Night all.


  1. I envy you your tasks, dear

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3

  2. Cold here too, but no lovely snow like yours. I wouldn't mind just a little, I need some for my Christmas card! :-)

    Dinner looks and sounds delicious--Even your leftovers are like a gourmet meal! :-)

  3. Yesterday was a rest day sort of. Hubby braved the wind chills and went into the woods,...
    I braved the house and cleaned...and decorated.

  4. Mmmmm..... I love creating Thanksgiving meal sandwiches! I'll even throw some stuffing on mine, along with the cranberry and turkey!
    Have a great day. Stay warm!!!!


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