Sunday, November 17, 2013

Gag Me and Berlin Part 2

If you know what this is, you'll know why I'm gagging.  Too much information.

And now for earlier today.
Warm, rainy and grey.

 Berlin this morning.....still had hives.  I broke down and gave her dex, which she has not had since November 7th.

 By noon the hives started disappearing.

Seeing that I was on a liquid diet today, I stayed home and was not very productive.  Yuck.

When I went out for chores it was still very mild (may have hit the low 60s today).
 The girls looked so gorgeous.

 In furthering my investigation into Berlin's problems I'm am trying something new.
She and Abbe switched stalls.  It was quite confusing to them at first, but they ate and carried on as usual.

 This is Berlin tonight.  99.9% of the hives are gone.
 Is there any reason to hope that we are getting through this?

 Both sides.

 I'll keep her on a low dose of dex for 3 more days (by then it should be cold again) and then we will see what happens.

Thank you to Feral Woman for all the input she has given me regarding my sweet girl.
Night all.

I can't wait until tomorrow so I can return to normal after this c-l-n-s-c-p-.  What a pain in the butt!!!
I'm starving....


  1. oh my keeping animals healthy is a rich lady or mans bank account being loaded up for all kinds of meds or trips for the vet.

    Ouch the pocket book.

    Hope your feeling better if that was for you.Picture #1.

  2. That stuff is absolutely disgusting and gag worthy. I don't envy you as I've been through it too. Necessary evil I guess. Good luck tomorrow.

    Berlin is looking much better. Fingers crossed the hives stay away.

  3. Ooh, Berlin is looking so sleek -- hope you can conquer what's causing them. And gooooood luck tomorrow with the lovely procedure. xx

  4. The prep is by far the worst part. I'm glad Berlin is doing better. Maybe it was something in her stall; good idea to try switching them around.

  5. I hope you sleep through it all, the prep is the hardest part. Then hooray!1 back to normal food again..Hives gone, is there anything in another stall that can cause them but just for Berlin? Hope it all stays good for her, Greetings from Jean

  6. Yeah... that procedure seems so demeaning. I get to redo mine in 2015... I can hardly wait! Well, at least the Versed makes it unmemorable! Good luck!

  7. Despite the yucky-ness, there is something so "cleansing" about the prep, don't you think? Sort of like a fresh start, but then we start to eat again. :)

    Are Berlin's hives seasonal or is it something she's taking in that doesn't agree with her? It sounds like you aren't quite sure. I'm glad that she is improving.

  8. How perplexing those hives are! Hopefully they'll resolve and you'll just scratch your head as to the cause...we have been very warm and mild lately too, but rain and wind are moving in this week. Then our horses will compete for the muddiest horse award! Enjoy that clnscp...what fun! Seriously, it's nothing.

  9. Hello Lori. Ann has asked me to tell you that she had the same experience about a month ago. She says that the worst is over when you've swallowed that ghastly medicine. She says that after that, if you try and relax (and watch the screen if there is one - your innards are incredible) it really isn't too bad.
    Hope this helps - I've typed it verbatim as Ann dictated it.

  10. Ugh, don't envy you the c*scopy. Had one last year and will probably have to have another next year. Still, it's better to have it all checked out.
    Berlin's hives are truly weird. I wish I had something helpful to suggest but I dont. I'll be very interested to see what sorts them out in the end.

  11. Ugh, don't envy you the c*scopy. Had one last year and will probably have to have another next year. Still, it's better to have it all checked out.
    Berlin's hives are truly weird. I wish I had something helpful to suggest but I dont. I'll be very interested to see what sorts them out in the end.

  12. Oh good for you getting the checkup lots forget to do it is very important. Tomorrow night it will be all over. Glad Feral came through for you she is very horse wise. Take care. Hug. B


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