Friday, November 15, 2013

Beat It....


 While we were doing chores, Scott and company dropped off a load of mulch.
 A bit of a warm up today.

 At 2 I attended a history club meeting in Brockport.
 It was held in this gorgeous home.
 The woman in red is Arlene, the 94 year old woman you met yesterday at bridge.  Does she have style or what?

 As soon as I got home I put together a gingerbread and whipped cream dessert that was placed in the freezer.
 Set the table and was ready for company.  Jenny, Scott, Karen, Finn and Coop.
First I had to do chores.

 Dinner was great.  Shish Ke Bobs....some chicken, some shrimp.  Bazmati rice and a salad of mixed greens with oranges and crumbly blu.

 The gingerbread turned out perfectly.  Once you take it out of the freezer, it has to sit for a few minutes so the cake is not frozen.
 Before and after dinner we had jam sessions with all my drums and other instruments.  Finn and Coop are really getting good, and Scott is a natural.  At one point all 7 of us were playing.  Such improvement.

Night all.


  1. Wow, your days are drawing in so fast, specially at night, less daylight, and that desert, what a wonderful idea. Greetings to all, Jean.

  2. Do you ever just stop and take a rest? are so on the go!

  3. Beautiful skies. Dessert looks delicious. After dinner music jam sounds like a great idea too!

  4. Gingerbread and whipped cream sounds amazing. Looks like another lovely day a la Skoog. I just love your sunrise/sunset photos

  5. Suppose you might share the gingerbread recipe? I will share the ginger snap recipe from Cook's Illustrated.


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