Sunday, October 13, 2013

They"re Back!

This morning I was so psyched when I saw the beautiful color in the sky....

 then I went into the barn and found my sweet Berlin covered in hives again.  The poor discouraging.  She had been doing so well.  Called the Vet and she is back on dex, gave her two this morning and will do the same tomorrow and call her back.

The first thing I did, with the help of Karen, was to strip her stall.  We leveled off the mats and I sprayed the whole area with a vinegar wash.
 Then I made Berlin a new bed with 5 bags of shavings....what the heck, she's worth it.

 My next thing, was to check out the pasture to see what she could be getting into there, and started cutting down anything I could find that was nettles or milkweed.

Finn and Coop spent a couple hours at the farm.  Coop is very inventive...have no idea what he was doing with a piece of rope and some bricks.  Finn was in the house watching the Buffalo Bills football game.
 Did the pasture switch at 4.
 So far, no change with the hives.

 I feel so bad for my girl...she is still eating and drinking normally, just doesn't look like her beautiful old self.

Dinner was leftover soup....same as the other night.  English muffins, apples and sharp cheddar cheese.  On a soup making roll.
Hey Tony!  You would have loved it.
Night all.


  1. Gorgeous sunrise shots!!! Aww I'm sorry to read B's hives are back. Hope they clear up soon. I've been on a soup-making kick too. Best thing at this time of year!

  2. Are hives in horses the same as hives in people?? I always thought hives were allergy related at least in people. Have you made any changes to feed or supplements? I would think nettles is a good idea to check on. I had a bumper crop of ticks this year, feed store I used to go to published a vinegar/water/veg oil/lavender spray recipe, didn't completely eliminate the ticks but sure cut down on the infestation on my dogs. If the hives are bug related a vinegar spray might be a good deterent. Good luck

  3. Your poor girl, this is a wild card suggestion, is there anything in the shredded paper that can cause hives? Stunningly beautiful sunrise, all colours of nature sent to greet us. Cheers from Jean.

  4. I've started thinking about soup too. Haven't made any yet though. Egglant parmesan tonight. Poor Berlin. I hope you figure out what the cause is soon.

  5. Those purple sunsets are just stunning..I HAVE to get out and paint the sunsets..those colours.
    So sorry to hear about your beauty and the hives...could it be that she is bitten and developed an allergy? they still look beautiful though and as long as she eats and drinks normally, then perhaps it doesn't bother her too much? I hope it clears up soon.

  6. Your sky pictures are stunning.
    I didn't know that horses could get hives. Poor thing. I hope you figure it out.

  7. Fantastic sunrise!

    Those colors are fantastic.

    I wonder what is causing Berlin's hives, did the vet have any ideas?


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