Monday, October 7, 2013

So How About A Little More Rain????

The red sky this morning was really a warning....
 It rained off and on all day.

 All the horses were back in the barn by noon.  Between being soaked and the drop in temperature, they needed a break.
 Things looked a little better around 2 and Karen put them back out.

 Gary and I went to Agape (I need to get back into a routine).

The horses were tucked in for the night at 5:30....

 Of course by then, the sun came out again!

 My trusty assistants spent most of the day inside and were thrilled to go out and get their feet wet.

 Back in a little after 6 and Gary had warmed up the leftovers from last night.
Now there is a fire going in the kitchen and I am going to plunk myself down in front of it.
Night all.


  1. I particularly like the fall colors and in between the barn shots.

  2. You sure get a lot of rain out there. We had another nice day today but temps are supposed to start dropping tomorrow.

  3. Crazy, crazy weather. Glad Berlin is doing better!


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