Friday, October 25, 2013

Out To Lunch!

A crispy morning.  Berlin was a little worse than yesterday, so I spoke to the vet and we upped her dex with no horsey benedryl for now.  Also plan to try different hay starting tonight.

 Chores as usual.

 A little after 11 Sally and Judy arrived so we could drive into Rochester together.

We were meeting Jenny at the Swan Market for a German lunch.

 The place was absolutely packed...a long line with at least 10 people waiting outside within 5 minutes.  As you can see, it is very small with only enough seating for around 25 or 30.  Most of the people were there to eat lunch, others came to pick up food and the rest were buying homemade sausage etc. from the deli.

 The menu was very simple with super reasonable prices.
 Lorrie's husband Joe was there.  He said to avoid standing in line you need to arrive before 11:30 or after 1.  Because there are so few tables, you are seated wherever there is space and meet all kinds of interesting people.
 Part of the reason it was so crowded is this very sweet 86 year old gentleman, who provides music on the last Thursday and Friday of each month.

 First, they brought out a basket of bread that we could not resist.

 We placed our orders and then had time to chat with the 3 people we were sitting with.

The woman on the left is the mother of the cook and originally from Germany.  She and her family used to live in Chicago and ran a restaurant just like this one (at the end of our lunch she treated us to dessert).  The man next to her (hidden by the beer) holds court there everyday and has been doing it for years.  At the end of the table is a man who works at a TV station in Buffalo, NY.  They all meet the last Friday of the month.
 Jenny, Judy and Sally all ordered Pork Schnitzel with a rich mushroom gravy, noodles and red cabbage.
 Gary and I ordered Knockwurst, Bratwurst, German potato salad and red cabbage.  That mustard is outstanding.

Every half hour, the accordian player did this!  The whole place participated.

We could not leave without buying some knockwurst, sausage and mustard.  The cook (Tom) checked us out at the register.
 I have a feeling we will be going back.

Home before 2.  From then on I was taking pictures without the card in my camera.  You all know the drill by now.  Tucked the girls in before dark, started a fire in the kitchen and ate dinner.
Night all.

If you are ever in Rochester, I would highly recommend paying a visit to Swans.


  1. What a great place to eat, the food looks really, really delicious!

    I hope Berlin is better!

  2. If I am ever in Rochester I am going to find you my friend:) but I love German food my Grandmother was German.
    I am sorry about Berlin.HUGS
    LOVE LOVE your header. Hugs B

  3. I know a lot, but when it comes to horse I' 'shooting blanks'.
    How does a different hay effect horses?????

  4. Poor Berlin. I hope something helps her.

    The eatery looks wonderful. My grandparents would have loved it, they were from Germany. I used to send them every kind of wurst when I could after they retired to Arizona. All the food looks delicious.

  5. Hope you feel better Berlin
    Thank you for your kind words and remembering my brother Benny


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