Friday, September 13, 2013

The Weatherman Was Not Kidding

Last night we had rain and it cooled down a LOT.  This morning we had more and it stayed in the low 50s.  Once again, the temperature increased my energy level and I did a few extra things in the barn.

 We still have a fair amount of color in the gardens...the veggies are fading fast.

 Finally!!!! I got my butt down to Agape.  It felt good and I still managed to put in 15 minutes on the elliptical in addition to all the other stuff.  Have to get back up to 24 minutes again.  My last visit was August 6th!  How bad is that?
 This afternoon the girls braved the showers.  Look at who is wearing a grazing muzzle.
 Can you believe we are getting more blossoms on the clematis plant near Gary's barn?  Last year it lasted until November.

 Moon gets about half an hour in the morning and another half before evening chores without her get up.  She seems to be accepting it pretty well.

Called them in for dinner around 5:30...still very damp and dark outside.

 A fresh salad and leftover pasta for dinner.
This weather is perfect for reading and napping.
Night all.


  1. Our weather has been erratic lately. We had a blast of summer heat, 97 day before yesterday, upper 80's yesterday and 70's today with rain and 60's forecasted for next week. Crazy! Sure feels nice though...I'm wearing my jeans today! First time (unless I'm riding) in a long while. Think I might get to see my new rain chain in action soon. :)

  2. everything is looking good in your neck of the woods as usual! especially those two cuddlebugs next to that delicious looking plate of pasta.
    It is finally getting cooler here too but not quite enough rain.
    ; )

  3. I have weather envy. Still warm here but cooling off at night.

  4. We awakened this morning...Saturday to temps in the 40's.
    Two days ago it was hot and unbearable.

    Now I'm looking for my Long Johns!

  5. Brrrr.... just seeing the wet and the gray makes me feel chilled.
    I love your last photo. Perfect!

  6. Dear Lori, I liked the day you've just shared with us. Every time I come to your blog and see the photographs of the horses I want to go live on a farm!

    And yes, the dog and the cat have the right idea for rainy and chilly weather--relax and snooze! Peace.

  7. I love how Abbe made sure she was first, just about :) Our daughter's pony has a muzzle, which is used sometimes, being a connemara X she tends to pile on the pounds if not careful, but has Cushings, so even more reason to be careful!


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