Saturday, September 28, 2013


 After chores I mowed around the pastures....

 brought some peppers and eggplant into the house....
 along with the rest of the acorn squash.
 Mowed the lawn....
 while Gary made what should be our last batch of sauce.
 Jenny was supposed to come up for some tomatoes, peppers and onions so she could make more for I picked a basket of peppers.  They are huge and there are twice as many left as what I picked.

 Karen was kind enough to do evening chores so I could go to the homecoming football game with Gary and the Stewarts.
 Perfect weather and a TON of people.

 I always love to take pictures of the photographer who is now retired as SUNY Brockport's picture taker.

 There are 130 guys on Brockport's Football Team!  Isn't that huge, or are all college teams like that today?  I can't imagine the budget they have to do all this.  By the way, we were playing Alfred.

The game started at 6.  It was very sunny and you needed sunglasses...decent temperature too.
Our team started off with a bang.

 We were really in high gear...28 to nothin'.
See that stadium?  New lights, artificial turf, new track, gorgeous fencing and landscaping....first class all the way around.
 Well, during half time, the opposition had Brockport figured out and they came out big time.
 We sat next to the parents of number 49.  They were from Syracuse and have not missed a game for three years.  Nice people.

 My pictures got blurrier and blurrier as Alfred scored 6 touchdowns, one after the other.
 They ended up beating us 34 to 28 in overtime!  What a game.
 It was followed by fireworks and some sad fans.
Night all.


  1. But your shots are OVERTIME winners! Football has grown in western NY. There was a time, I remember, that Brockport, Alfred and SJFC were w/o a football tradition. Alas they all discovered that the game brings in the $$$$$$$$$$ for small colleges too.

  2. I haven't gone to a high school football game in so many ages!

    Looks like a beautiful sunrise for you,... love that fog!


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