Monday, September 16, 2013

It's a Long Story....

 What a misty morning.

 Lorrie and Moon had a lesson after chores.

 Abbe and Berlin were trying to sniff the water with bleach I dumped outside the paddock when I was cleaning a water trough for Angel and Maggie.  Don't know why this is of interest.

 Then it was chow time.
 Finished preparing the run-in before calling it quits.
 At 11 I picked up my friend Helen (from Scotland), who is here with her son Alex.... visiting her sister...Andrea of horsedum.  She is going to stay at the farm for a couple of days and we plan to cook and take in some activities in Brockport.  

This morning I introduced her to the Seymour Library, and being a storyteller, she headed straight for Fairytales in the children's section.
 She immediately found a book of Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Scotland.

 From there, we went out to lunch at the Stoneyard....

and split a Cubano Sandwich.  We were both starving and it filled the bill.

 Made a quick stop at Bittersweet.

Hit Wegmans on the way home, and when we got back to the farm it was so cold we asked Gary to start a fire, our first of the season.

On Monday evenings Helen listens to a radio show in Scotland and she frequently emails in requests.  Today she tuned in live, through this computer, and had the radio host dedicate a song to us.  Pretty wild that we could do it all from here.

Needless to say, we were not hungry for dinner (poor Gary).  I put the horses in for the night around 7
and thought I was taking a video of them coming in.....wrong.

 We finally ate a very simple supper at 7:30.  Soup and a salad with some delicious bread that Helen brought.  Just enough.  I promised to make eggplant parm tomorrow night.

 We are going to take Helen to see the Dady Brothers, who perform Irish music.  They will be the entertainment at a volunteer luncheon on Tuesday.
As for now...tea and sitting by the fire.
Night all.


  1. That looks like a very happy, very full day. My Mum was born in Cambuslang, Lanarkshire, in 1903!!! So I feel I have a very personal link with anyone from there, Enjoy your stay with Lori and Gary, you'll be given a great time. Greetings to all, Jean.

  2. I have the same exact plates! just a couple of them though, not a whole set. You sound like you are having a great time with your friend Helen. Tell her lily said hi.
    ; )

  3. Love Helen's hair! And that sandwich has my stomach growling.

  4. Looks like you're all having a wonderful time!

  5. I have to say that salad looks quite yummy! Also, we have certain horse that love to sniff - and a couple even lick - at the bleach water after we clean troughs.

    Helen is lucky to be staying with perfect hosts!

  6. I've been spending too much time on FB so it's good to see that life is fine at your farm. Lucky Helen - she looks like she's having a wonderful time!


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