Monday, September 30, 2013

Almost a Herd

 Red sky this morning.  Then it looked like rain and ended up sunny in the high 70s.
 Called Stephanie (farrier) yesterday to see if she could help us out with Maggie and sure enough, she arrived this morning around 9.
 She did a great job and Maggie should be much more comfortable...

 She also checked Angel and ended up giving her a trim too.

 After that, we put all the girls together in the big pasture.
 Yesterday they had their lead ropes we took them off and stayed there for about 20 minutes.
 So far, so good.

 Got domestic again in the house.  Made some bean salad.
 After a trip to Wegmans I did a little reading.

Supper before chores.  Home fries and
 grilled Zwiegles.
 Like a picnic.
 Put the girls in at 7 and poor Berlin was still lumpy and bumpy.  More benedryl.

 They all like getting tucked in at night.

Night all.


  1. Yoi rmind me. I too need a new par of shoes. Gotta look good!

  2. You have a lovely herd of sweet happy girls. Weather at our place: highs upper 60s/low 70s and nights in the upper 40s. Saw wild geese and wild turkeys on my way to work this morning. :)

  3. you can send those lovely vittles to me care of Washington Sq Park!

  4. They all look happy and loving the herd life. Hope Berlin loses her lumps and bumps soon.


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