Thursday, August 1, 2013

Almost Singin' in the Rain....

 We started off with a little rain.
 Once again, Moon got put in solitary (behavior) while we finished chores.

 Abbe kept opening the door to the feed room, bugging Lorrie.

 While Moon and Lorrie were working in the arena, I did some paper shredding.
 Look who showed up.

 They just love to come in and hang out with me.
 I know, you think they're spoiled....  They go in and out of the stalls and watch me shred.
 While I was doing that, Gary was getting a second estimate for cutting down three of our trees.
One of them is the gigantic English walnut in our back yard that is dying and could crush our house.  Next Tuesday they will be taken down.  Can't imagine how it will be done, but will take lots of pictures.

Grabbed some flowers for the kitchen.

Gary got his garlic organized and is ready to start selling.  He will also be putting a friend's garlic on our wagon too, so there should be plenty this year.

It is beautiful.

 I read and snoozed this afternoon.  A little after 5, when Gary went down to the Welcome Center to prepare for tonight's concert and I went out to do chores.

The girls came in for dinner, and I was off to the village.

Tonight it was Greg Turner and Friends.
Cool jazz by 4 very fine musicians.

I've posted many pictures of Greg, as he plays the piano for our chorus and is the artist in residence for all the First Fridays, providing us with great music.

See that big boat?  Everytime they played something with a Latin or Bosa Nova beat, the owner would come out with his maracas and play with the band.

The audience loved it.

These are the people who were on the boat.  They live in the Buffalo area and are on their way home.  I'm quite sure they will remember this stop.
Fortunately the rain did not ruin the evening and it ended up being perfect.

Night all.


  1. Pretty cool that Gary is selling this wonderful garlic.

  2. Lori- Did you forget to eat tonight?

  3. Cool about the guy with the maracas! He should have gotten off the boat :)
    Amazing shots. The garlic is terrific!

  4. Great looking garlic - I just bought some at the Farmer's Market and I'm going to bake it to serve on warm bread w/ goat cheese and pesto. That concert looks like so much fun! And having company in the barn when you shred is a good thing - they love you! My girls always like to visit with me when I muck. They know to stay out of the way and just hang out so we can talk about life. It makes it less boring for me. You don't have spoiled horses. You have happy horses!


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