Saturday, July 13, 2013

No Biggie....

 Even tho it was not that hot out this morning, my golden oldie Berlin still preferred to hang in the run-in.

Below is a shot of her stall from outside her windows.  I have continued to use a shredded paper mix and love it, but don't know how long I can keep up with the shredding part.  It works beautifully...part of the problem is the size of the two stalls Berlin and Abbe occupy.  Berlin's is about 11 or 12x30 and Abbe's is over 20 feet long.  Why?  Because as my other 4 horses passed, I would knock down stall walls...figured why not.  It's different when you have a hundred year old basement barn, compared to a new one.

 Jenny picked up Ariana a little after 8 this morning as they were going to help friend's install a liner in the new pool they just built (themselves).  They weren't quite ready to do it when I got there.  Had to put up that blue stuff first.
 It's going to be beautiful when it's done.  (By now it is filled with water and tomorrow they will finish up the surrounding area and install a fence).

 I made a quick run to Wegmans and did not do a whole heck of a lot for the rest of the day. 
Managed to make a yummy fruit salad as the mango, nectarines and plums needed to be used right away.  Added grapes, home picked berries and a banana at the end.  So refreshing with fresh squeezed lemon on the top.

 A beautiful afternoon (for reading and taking a nap).
 No cooking tonight.  A little before 5 Phoebe, Gucci and I took a ride down to the Nativity Church in Brockport where they were having a chicken BBQ.  You could drive right up to place your order and they would bring it to your car. 

 Did chores when I got home.
 These ponies are not going to like next week when it's in the 90s everyday.
Why didn't I take a photo of our dinner?  It tasted great.
Night all.


  1. We're expecting very hot weather next week, too - stay cool!

  2. You always get shots of dinner.... you must have been very hungry and it must have looked too good to wait!

    Love the idea of a Church drive-up BBQ!

  3. You always get shots of dinner.... you must have been very hungry and it must have looked too good to wait!

    Love the idea of a Church drive-up BBQ!


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