Thursday, July 18, 2013

Layin' Low

How do people in the warm states do it?  I have reached my capacity and tomorrow is supposed to be the warmest day yet.  Felt like crapola all night and I attribute it to being over heated.  Took tums, drank water....
Morning chores were a thrill as it was already very hot.
 All three girls ate inside.
 On my way back to the house I hosed my legs and my head...then I took a cold shower and put on as little clothing as possible....put a fan in our bedroom and stayed there for a long time.
Not much picture taking today...

Went out at 4:30 to pick berries, cucumbers and zucchini.
Chores again.  This time the horses were out in the pasture...amazing.  Earlier we had thunder and 10 minutes of rain.
 As I was melting, (heat index over 100) I soaked my head again and rested when I got in the house.  Did a little reading (napping) and took another shower.  
Summer Serenade night.  Java Junction was kind enough to open it's doors so people would not have to bake down by the canal.
 Bill Hullfish and the Golden Eagle String Band.

Perfect music for a canal town.

(Text...text...text.  What a total obsession it has become.  My is a very rude habit).

Home by 8:45 and let the girls out for the night.  It's a tiny bit cooler.  
Picked the stalls and could not wait to get back to my fan.
Night all.


  1. I can relate Lori. I "pick the pa stures" around 9 and it"s already 90 plus out except I don't have a house to go into or a fan. It gets even hotter in the afternoon. I hate this lap top, so this will be short.

  2. Its headed into the 100s here this weekend. Poor Brett will have to muck and feed in the heat. I'll be on the coast with Camille where is should be in the mid-70s. I don't do well in the heat -- makes me dizzy and nauseous. And humidity (which is rare here) puts me over edge.

  3. I heard on TV this morning that between 500 and 760 people have died in UK, as a result of the heat. Take care, that hose will come in very handy, cold showers, ice-cold liquid, and no working out in the mid-day sun!!! Cheers from Jean.

  4. Oh I'm with you I despise this heat. Having lived on your farm for 30+ years, has the lack of A/C ever been as much of a discomfort as it has been the past few? I guess that's a complicated way to ask if you feel your weather has definitely warmed in the past few years haha.

  5. Oh Lori it is supposed to cool down tomorrow I do hope so. I spent the day with my Mom yesterday and she has air conditioning. Too hot for hay I cannot believe I said that. A little dangerous with any effort, makes me dizzy (low blood pressure). Be safe and please keep cool anyway you can. HUG B

  6. I was also under the hose alot yesterday. It was the most miserable I remember feeling in years. At least the wind is suppose to pick up today before tomorrow's cold front moves in. Yay breeze.

  7. We have two more days of high heat and then it's supposed to cool down a bit here too. Ugh. Just awful.

  8. This heat is ridiculous. I feel bad for the animals and anyone working outside. Supposed to break tonight. Fingers crossed. Can't wait for Autumn. I hate the heat. Hang in there.

  9. Ugh... I remember those stinky Rochester summer days. Bleech! However, I have to admit, it is hot here in Idaho, too. But, at least it isn't as humid.

  10. Oh... meant to add, you are smart to take it easy! Stay cool!

  11. Lots of fans. We have no AC cause we are by the beach
    Benny & Lily

  12. Oh Man, I'm So Sorry That You Have Gotten Got With The Humidity/Heat.
    We've Had The Equivalent Of 3 Summers, Here In Oregon....6 Weeks Of 80-90'A No Rain.

    Looking Forward To Fall!!!
    Hang In!!!


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