Friday, July 26, 2013

Bon Voyage!!!!

 I'm lovin' these cool mornings....the girls feel the same way, I can tell.
 Nothing too eventful.  Gary, Ariana and I went to Agape around 2:30.  She does a very serious work out...makes me feel even older!
Jenny, Finn, Coop and Scott came for dinner tonight.  We prepared a few things when we got home.

 Before they arrived, Ariana prepared the batter for crepes.  I'm sure she learned to love them in Whitestone and Croatia, when Baba made them.  She had the recipe on her iPhone.
 After finishing what needed to be done, I went out to do chores.  Carrots and camera bag in hand.
 Berlin is finally willing to spend time in the pasture.

Grill time.  I planned on doing the bbqued pork on the left, but Jenny wanted to clean out her frig and brought up chicken, red pepper, mushrooms and pineapple.  Added some zucchini and onion and figured we could eat all the leftovers this weekend.
 Made a little guacamole for a starter.
 While Grampa grilled....Scott, Coop and Finn played a little football.
 Finally time to eat.

 After dinner Ariana started making a double batch of crepes.

 Finn was her assistant.
 Scott, Coop and I played my guitar.

 Over an hour later, Ariana was still doing her at a time.

 They will take a boatload of them along, during their drive to Cape Cod tomorrow.
Now, we are all full and tired.
Night all.


  1. Ariana is an impressive cook! Crepes can be tricky.

  2. Oh, your BBQ looks good! Hope they have a nice time at Cape Cod

  3. That Day, Good One Huh!
    We Finally Got A Cool Morning Today!
    Loved Seeing The Horses Run In From The Field To Paddock! Cute!
    My Man Adores Crepes. He Has A Special Pan And Everything.

    Those boys Sure Are Growing Fast.

  4. What fun having a desert chef like Ariana, I do love crepes! :-)

    I enjoyed a few cooler days here too, but sadly summer is back--Hope you're enjoying your weekend!


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