Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Rustic Peach Tart for Benny, Lily and KC

I had 5 peaches that needed to be used and decided to try something different.
Not enough for a regular sized pie so I turned it into (according to Annette/Oak Creek Ranch) a rustic peach tart.  I'm not a recipe person, but here goes.

I picked up some peaches at the market last Sunday....
and they sat there for days getting softer and softer.
 Decided to make a dessert and got out a small ceramic pie plate....
 and a pie crust ala Wegmans.  (I cheated)
 Because it was for a large pie, I knew it would hang over the edges of my plate.

 Looked for a recipe and ended up faking it.  

5 peaches peeled and sliced (I squeezed fresh lemon juice over them), 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons flour (added a little cornstarch so it would not be too runny) and a dash of salt.  Mixed. 
Set the pie crust on the plate.

Put in the peach mixture and folded over the crust.  (Any old way)

 Brushed with melted butter and sprinkled on a little sugar.

Baked at 400 degrees for 45-50 minutes.  It should be bubbling and browned when it is done.
Let it cool before cutting.
If you try it, let me know what you think!
Real whipped cream is nice....maybe a side of vanilla ice cream.
Bon Appetit! from the Skoog Farm Kitchen.


  1. AWESOME! Thanks...easier than i thought it would be( a pre made!)
    I'm trying thihs with will be posted!

  2. Mmmm, mmmm, love the simplicity of this. Made something similar last week w/apples (and a folded over crust like yours). Yum. xx

  3. Yum! Another rustic tart to tease me. I have no oven in my hotel room. ...its killing me.

  4. Thank you Lori. Hoped you'd print that recipe. Going to show it to Ann now. Thanks again, Mike.

  5. P.s. Just copied it out. Ann wants to try that one. Looks yummy.
    Thanks again, Mike.

  6. Ooh, looks nice... and it's peach season here...


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