Monday, July 22, 2013

A Fun Day, Beginning to End...

 When I went out to the barn this morning the girls were coming out of their night time depository.
 After chores I mowed a couple pastures.
 Lorrie and Moon had a lesson with Elizabeth, and after they made a run down the lane I was invited to go for a ride.
 We started in the side yard....

went down the lane and I showed Elizabeth how to get in the woods.  Moon was as steady as can be, nothing flapped her and she seemed happy there.

What a feeling you get driving through those tall trees.  As my driver said, "it touched your soul."
 On the way back we passed through the edge of the soybean field....
 and got back on the lane.
 Moon had a question for us.

 Almost home....look at that freshly mown pasture.
 Lorrie was waiting for us....
 and had the gate open to the indoor.
 What a great ride...sweet Moon.

In the meantime, I was on a mission to clean out the two stalls in the grooming room so I could put in some fresh bedding.  Berlin and Abbe joined me while I shredded some paper.
 They both act like puppies, following me around.
 Evening chores a little early as we were taking the kids to the Stoneyard for Wing Night.
 Jenny met us there.

 10 wings for $2.50.  We each got an order.
Also shared a couple of large Caesar Salads.

 There was a performance on Main Street as we were leaving.

 It continued onto Water Street.  Jenny says Finn and Ariana are like two peas in a pod.
 From there we went to Ariana's first co-ed softball game in Brockport.  She was invited to play on Bimpa's team for Barber's.

 The boys were occupied at the playground next to the field.
 Ariana warmed up before the game.
 She was the only kid on the team, the rest were in the 40 and over range.
 She hit, she ran, she threw a couple people out....played 2nd base.  Not bad for her debut.  Very proud of her.  What a sport!  Wish her Mom and Dad were here for this.

 It got dark earlier than usual tonight.  Very grey when we went to the game...and coolish.

Night all!

Daniela and Baba spent their birthdays in California this weekend.  They celebrated with style, Mom and a friend.  (see the birthday girl below)


  1. Sounds like a really good day all round. Seeing your driving pictures and reading about other people taking it up (Ally & Shyloh in particular) is making me think Flurry could learn a new skill....

  2. was Arianna.... PRANCERSIZING in that one photo???! LOL they have a great sense of humor!

    Love love moon's attitude - such a good worker- and the trees were lovely, sigh...

    and dang. wings at $2.50. I would have two plates...

  3. What a beautiful drive you went on with Moon. You're so lucky to have access to trails where you can do this in harness. Wow.

  4. beautiful....just beautiful! gotta try those zucchini pancakes!!


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