Friday, June 7, 2013

Today I Met Another Blogging Friend....


 After chores Abbe was keeping tabs on
 Moon while she was getting groomed before her lesson with Elizabeth.  Remember how filthy she and Abbe were last night?

 Very interesting ground work Tina says "Elizabeth speaks horse."

 At 11 I went down to the Village for a meeting regarding the mural we raised matching funds for (Stone Soup Auction).  This is Stacy Kirby...the artist who will design and paint it for us.

Luckily, David, from Bridle Wreath Farm, was able to replace the tie rod on the lawn tractor.  Finally, I've found someone who is really good at solving mechanical problems.

Spent some time on the phone with my buds and never really got a chance to nap and read.

Around 5, Bing and Ruth showed up with 4 visitors who are here to attend a wedding.  During the winter they all live in Florida and come up North for the summer.  Ruth introduced one of them to my blog and she has been reading it for quite some time.  Her name is Jerry and she is holding the camera in the picture below.  She knew everything about the farm...the animals, the gardens...everything.  Boy did we hit it off.  I invited her to come back and spend a few days with us.  Hope she takes me up on it.
 This is the 7th blogging friend I have met in person (not counting all my local pals).
 They had dinner reservations and couldn't stay long.  I'm pretty sure we will meet again (she lives in Cape Cod).
 Gucci was enjoying all of the extra attention.
 Gary and I absolutely love meeting people like this.  Wish they were going to be around long enough to come over for dinner.  I wonder if I can talk them into staying an extra day.
 Speaking of dinner....comfort food.
 A nice salad and some sauce I had frozen the last time we had spags.

 Almost fell asleep before I went out to do chores.

Gary will be planting all this tomorrow if the weather cooperates.

 Who knows...we may get more rain tonight.
Tucked those girls in for the duration.

As I was leaving the barn I noticed a pair of ducks in the now flooded corner of the pasture.  Perfect.
 Sidney noticed them too.
Night all.


  1. You are Queen of Socializing, I think, Lori. You just have that natural interest in people. Nice. xx

  2. You are Queen of Socializing, I think, Lori. You just have that natural interest in people. Nice. xx

  3. Awe, that is just so cute how Abbey makes sure Moon is within sight! Love herd dynamics and how mares are. That top photo is very cool how the mares are all seen, even if only a head! Good shooting!

    You are so fortunate to have MET SO MANY blogger friends! I met the gal I bought my trailer from and Lytha, from Seattle/Germany, plus I got to take the gal from Chocolate and Marmalade and Tea blog riding several times!

    The weather seems to be trading places from East Coast to West...we've had the most wonderful days all week...70-80 with a sleight breeze... just now getting some clouds and sultry stuff...means YOU should be getting some GREAT stuff- soon!

    Have a delightful weekend you guys!

  4. I love that second photo!! It looks very Wuthering Heights! I hope I make it to Skoog Farm sometime. How'd the highlighting go?

  5. Oh this is so exciting for both of you. Oh to meet blogger family members is something very special to all who have had the pleasure. Lucky girls. Oh I look forward to that day.
    I am sure you and Jerry will have more get togethers indeed. This is exciting. hug B

  6. I also enjoy meeting fellow bloggers--It's really like meeting a friend for the first time!

    I hope you're drying out a little--I'm trying to not complain about the rain because so many others need it too. Enjoy your weekend!!!

  7. Fantastic that you got to meet another blogger friend. Love the pictures and especially Sidney watching the ducks!

  8. Abbe looks very clean! How long did it last?


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