Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rain Has Become The Norm...

 Doing chores was quite a challenge (the stall cleaning part) as we were without power from 2am 'til noon and with the rain, it was pretty dark in the barn.  Of course we did it anyway.

Took down the art show at the library around 10, and by the time I went back to the farm these guys had most of the work done.  Must have been some accident to shear off the utility pole.

 Fortunately the sun returned midday and Gary spent much of the afternoon working in the gardens.
 Picked a few berries and some peas.
 Washed two of the horses sheets and have 6 winter blankets that won't fit in my washer.

 Evening chores at 5:30....
 Can you believe it!  The outdoor arena has standing water in it again.

 Stir fried the peas, made a salad and had leftovers for dinner.  No biggy, but boy were those fresh peas delicious.
Night all.


  1. New peas, spring flowers, and rain, all in one day. Horse blankets in the washing machine???They would be so heavy to hang out afterwards, hope the laundromat will come to the party. Greetings from Jean

  2. Sunshine ~~~ that's a novel concept ~~ now if it only would materialize!!!!

  3. Fresh peas are exquisite. I hope you get less rain and more sunshine in the coming week! And.. i love your new header photo. Beautiful.

  4. Berlin is looking elegant in the header.
    You have rain and green grass. We have no rain and brown grass. Somewhere there must be a happy middle.

  5. I'm so tired of tired of it!

    This morning we do have sunshine!

  6. I love that photo with the wicker chair. I bet you are looking forward to a less rainy July. Dinner looks fantastic!

  7. What an incredible amount of rain!! Tonight was our first rain in weeks and while it is needed as we have wildfires threatening towns I hope we don't have a rainy season. I'm rather enjoying cooking! Hope you get some sunshine soon.


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