Thursday, June 20, 2013


Crabby girls this morning.

A few months ago high winds snapped off one of the 4x4s holding our farm sign and today Gary was able to put it back up.  We happened to have this big frame so he reworked it and now it looks much better than it did before.

Anyone need a utility trailer????

I mowed much of the day and finished before evening chores.

The girls now have their own golf course.

Below right is where the pond was after all the rain we had.  Fortunately it's gone.

Late afternoon Gary worked on the veggie garden...he's allowed to rest....
These strawberries looked good enough to eat so I picked 'um.  We'll have them later with some Greek (vanilla) yogurt.
Dinner....Zweigle Hots on Syrian bread, baked beans and another one of Saint Tim's favorite salads (carrots, apples, grapes and craisins topped with fresh lemon juice and a little mayo).  I spoke to Sara (his wife) this morning as I had gotten a comment about yesterday's Saint Tim salad and we figure it's about time to come up with some of his favorites in the form of a little book(let).  Ha Ha.
The sign is all set now.

Below is a photo that was just emailed to me by Barb L.  Gary missed this party last night as he was driving back from Chautauqua.  He has been friends with this crew since kindergarten and they still stay in close touch.
Too bad we were not able to be there.  Good pals.
(photo by Bud Meade taken at Al Brown's birthday party in Bemus Point)

Night all.


  1. Do I detect a Rawhide reference? I LOVED Rawhide when I was a kid . . .

  2. I love the sign!! Very pretty with the color of your house! I'll bet it looks spectacular in the fall with mums and pumpkins! Okay I have to finally ask: are "Saint Tim Salads" salads that ST would actually not like? I take it he's not keen on mixing fruit into a salad? Gary's gardens are so impressive. I'm sure he's a wealth of knowledge.

  3. The pasture looks prettier than a golf course!

  4. Everything looks so green and healthy and I love that sign!

  5. Wow Kindergarten that is awesome. Have a nice weekend Lori. Hug B

  6. Another new and magnificent header photo!! Wow. The food shots always look so darn yummy -- sigh -- you should open a B & B!! Finally got my blog site problems solved -- I switched from Firefox to Safari. Don't know what happened with Firefox, but that was the source of all the strange changes. Hugs.

  7. I love those speckles on the horse's face! Just like freckles :)

  8. My boys would love to graze your pasture! It's all brown here.

  9. What is the name of that pink flower. So Pretty.

    Oh your pictures are so beautiful with everyone and the green tidy places.

    A real joy to come here and look.


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