Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hay Baling Weather....I Hope

 Chores as usual...windy, a little chilly.

 Got half of the lawn mown before class.

 As my students were leaving there were several BIG birds flying overhead with huge wingspans.  At first we thought they were hawks.  But no....
 Turkey Buzzards.  I have never seen them land on the barns before.
 Finished mowing the lawn after lunch....then spent some time reading (napping).

Made a quick fruit salad using a few of our strawberries, apple, banana and orange.

The pictures of the girls during evening chores are clownlike.

Just as I was coming out of the paddock Gary got home from Chautauqua.  He brought us goodies from a Swedish bakery in Jamestown.  No dinner.

There is a positive change in the weather on the way.  If we can squeeeeeek out 5 days in a row we could get some hay in the next week.  Let's hope we don't have a repeat of last year.
Night all.


  1. Good luck with the hay most of our fields still have water laying in it. I have no idea when we will begin, I do hope you get yours started. B

  2. Mowed hay this afternoon, praying the weather holds so we can bale Thurs/Fri.

  3. I hope you get good weather for the hay.

  4. Very talented ladies. We don't think the horsies like playing pin the tail on the donkey. Is that is why they are blindfolded
    Benny & Lily

  5. We have vultures fly over quite often but I've never seen them land either. Strange... and a bit creepy.

  6. a beautiful day for outdoor chores I see!

  7. Chautauqua! Hope Gary inhaled some good vibes from there. xx


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