Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sunny, 87, Muggy, Thunder, Lightning, Brief Monsoon....

 The girls were not out on the pasture very long this morning, before they came in the barn to cool off.

 Moon was put to work as part of her new exercise program.
 Such a good pony....

 Due to the 20,000 dandelions growing way up above the grass...this had to be a mowing day.

 But first, we attended the chorus picnic out at Mary Ellen and Jay's.

 Everyone brought a dish to pass...this was not even half of it.

 A beautiful cobblestone home and a great setting.

 No reason to make dinner, that's for sure.

As soon as we got home we started to mow.  Gary had Finn and Coop duty and I took a short break after doing half of the lawn.
 So did Phoebe.  We had the fan on in the kitchen.
 Chores at 5.  After they were grained I left them in while I finished the lawn.  It was very hot and they seemed to like being in the cool barn.

 When I put them out, they headed straight for the indoor.

 It would not surprise me if this lawn was full of tall dandelions tomorrow.
 Picked some spinach and checked out the garden.

By 8:15 it started pouring so the ponies got tucked in for the night.  My umbrella almost turned inside out, the wind was so strong.
That's it for now.
Night all.


  1. That house is gorgeous! And so is the barn. What are those masks the horses are wearing?

  2. Everything looks GREAT!!! Can't believe you are that hot. We had a few of those days too, but supposed to be cool for the next several. Thankfully.

  3. When its hot, our horses prefer being in the barn as well.

  4. Looks great! We went from hot and muggy to cold and rainy.

    Sorry I've been absent...lot of strange work hours!

  5. Oh my word, the horsies must be playing pin the tail on the donkey since they are blindfolded, BOL
    Benny & Lily


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