Friday, May 10, 2013

Some Shine and Lots More Rain....

 Started off the morning with sun.

 The weeping crab apple blossoms have really peaked!  A beautiful view from the kitchen windows.

 Had to have blood work done this morning, so afterward I went next door to Agape to catch a quick, hot workout.  Yesterday I went and did 25 minutes on the 24.  I was dripping!  (And that was just part of what I had to do).
 Lorrie had an 11am lesson with Elizabeth.
 Moon was in a raging heat but ended up being a doll.

Tina came up to watch and had a chance to do a little driving.

The grass is growing like crazy, so I mowed the lane and around the pastures late afternoon...will do the rest tomorrow.

Gary was gone most of the day and wanted to go out to dinner.  We tried a place new to us (Ashley's) as they presented the best food at the "Taste of Brockport."  It was a great and generous meal.
 While we were there it started to pour big time.
 Put the girls in for the night as soon as we got home.

 A couple of years ago our friends, Brenda and Al, presented us with a lilac tree.
 It has really taken off and even tho it was raining I wanted to take a few shots.

The Skoog Farm Workshop will be holding it's 12th annual exhibition at the Seymour Library during the month of June.  Join us at the opening on Thursday, June 6th from 7-8:30.


Our chorus will present a concert at 7pm on Friday, May 17th at the Baptist Church.  We will be joined by the Hochstein Youth Choir for several numbers.

Night all.


  1. Lucky Tina lucky Moon. Hope your feeling better. Hug B

  2. June will be a great month, love the lilac, and the videos, super indoor arena. Take care, greetings from Jean

  3. The crab blossoms are amazing Lori!

  4. Good morning Lori! Another full day from start to finish, and I have no doubt today will be too!! Your blossoms are beautiful, spring has really found you, hasn't it?

  5. Nice driving there in the indoor arena, good to see :)

  6. The two trap rides were a delight, and Moon is a very well behaved lady.

  7. So cool to see the video of Moon to cart! Love it! But your killin' me with the flowering tree photos. We don't have one stinkin' woody leaf yet, tree or shrub, much less a bloom.

  8. Yay driving :-D. She looks great!

    Wish we were closer and could take part in all your fun farm and community activities.

  9. Lovely post, beginning to end. Thank you.


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