Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rain, Thunder, Lightning, Wind, Hail....Sunny and 78 Degrees

 Today we had a couple of bags of newspapers, so after chores we cross shreded some bedding.
 Yep!  I'm very impressed with how this works, mixed with pellets/shavings. Just don't use the glossy papers and make sure there are no staples.
 Chorus rehearsal at 10.  Another interesting experience...actually, the acoustics do not allow us to hear each other and it makes it more difficult to project the kind of sound we are used to.
When we walked outside, it was sunny and the temperature was higher by 20 degrees.
Right after that, Gary and I went over to 58 Main for a retired teachers luncheon.

Reubens, Burgers....blah, blah, blah.

 On the way home I stopped at Wegmans.  Just as Gary was helping me unload the car there was a huge gust of wind and a GIGANTIC branch crashed to the ground from the willow tree.  This is the 3rd or 4th time this has happened.  Two times it landed on our old wood shed and finally crushed it.
 Another mess to clean up.
 The first order of business was to get a new chain for our chainsaw.  No way could we start clearing it as the winds were too strong and we were afraid another branch would fall.  Maybe tomorrow.

After that, we worked on the veggie garden.  Our friends Ronn and Ann dropped off some flats of onions and cucumbers that Ronn started for us.  We also moved the farm wagon over to the turn around as we are going to start selling rhubarb.

 I came up with a plan for the cucumbers using things that we had on hand.  Ya know those wire thingamajigs you put around tomato plants to support them?  Well I opened up four of them and wove in some stakes that we pounded into the ground.  Voila!  I'm psyched,
 Also did the same in one of the raised beds so the peas will have a place to climb.
 We were on our own for dinner after the lunch we had...ended up being PB and J sandwiches.
 Grained the horses and put them back out.  A beautiful evening.

 I think we are headed for a warm up.
Night all.


  1. Oh how frustrating! Willows. So beautiful...but so many challenges! Garden looks fabulous!

  2. That tree sure made a mess of the shed. Your pastures look so green. Things are already brown out here.

  3. So much green and all that sunshine! I'm so jealous. Still a foot of snow on my lawn. Calling for rain/snow on Saturday. Low's in the 20's and high of 40. Only 37 more days until we start losing daylight and summer isn't even here. I'm going to look at houses in your area!! ;)

  4. Wow I could use a big hunk of that wood lying on your shed to put in my woodstove it is freezing here still.:) Hug B

  5. Gardens are looking great and I love the cart. Man what I could do with that cart! Also love the ladies hats. I hope to be a hat wearer when I get older.


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