Monday, May 13, 2013

All Over the Place...

 Another cold morning....I wore my winter barn coat, a stocking cap and gloves.
 Fortunately the sun made an appearance.
 After chores I picked some rhubarb...
 and spinach.
 At 10 we had chorus rehearsal at the Baptist Church where our concert will be held on Friday.
Gary had to work so I lugged my drum and a huge bag of other stuff.  We were not exactly on.  The sound is very different there and the words were muffled a bit.  Three of our songs were "boring"...that's because they are boring, overdone songs.  Yuck.  Hopefully things will improve on Wednesday. We can do it!
 Back to the farm, and after lunch I was in a furniture moving mood so I changed around the kitchen.
Then I had a very pleasant surprise.  The woman below drove into the driveway and informed me that she reads my blog everyday and lives nearby!  Of course I invited her right in and we had a great chat.  She has horses too, and thinks we have a lot in common.  We will definitely keep in touch.  I believe that is the 6th follower I have met face to it.
 Seeing that it was so cold, I was ready for some cooking and started on a pot of red lentil soup.

 Also worked on a rhubarb pie.

 Dinner...a spinach salad with onion, pears and swiss cheese
 along with the soup
 and some homemade bread made by Chet "the Breadman" Fery.
 Went out to do chores around 7.  Miss Moon was pretty crabby when Abbe was near her stall.
 Fortunately she returned to her sweet self.
 The light coming into the barn was beautiful.

 Gary finally finished the hand mowing and the yard has shaped up.
 Check out that garlic!
 Big Bird is surrounded by color...
 and Father Foozi has a few tulips.
We could get into the high 20s tonight.  Hope it does not ruin the many orchards in the area.
Night all.


  1. Man, that pie looks good! The weather in Sacramento today was in the mid 90s. Somewhere between the two of us is comfortable...

  2. Oh oh oh that dinner looks fabulous. I'm sure you'll all get the songs worked out. Acoustics are so delicate, aren't they? How wonderful you got to meet a blogging friend in person!

  3. Oh Moon, what a face!
    You know what they say, Lori - bad rehearsal, good show.

  4. Yum - rhubarb pie. You had such a "sweet" mother's day guess the tart rhubarb with even things out. The lawn looks great. Good luck Friday. Sing with your heart.

  5. The concert will be alright, I'm sure. Unsatisfying rehearsals often happen. In fact, I think there is such a thing as over-rehearsal (not that it often happens; rather the reverse in our case - St. Mary's Church Choir, I mean).
    Anyway - the best of Good Fortune attend it, and Warm Regards, Mike.

  6. Happy sigh. Such a beautiful post. Every word and every photograph.

  7. I think that must be rhubarb growing like mad in a corner of our new yard. Guess I'll try a pie! . . . spring if finally beginning to truly SPRING here! Wow!
    p.s. Pittsburgh was terrific - WTM play so well done - but I'm glad to be back home.


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