Monday, May 20, 2013

83 Degrees and Slowin' Down

 I could not ask for more beautiful mornings.  So peaceful here and so devastating in Oklahoma....can not imagine losing everything.

 After chores I went to Agape.  My energy level was not that great but I still did my thing.  Not quite so well on the elliptical.
 I don't know if it was the addition of humidity or what, but I was prone from 1:30-nearly 6!  I actually slept part of that time.

Simple supper....veggie burgers, home fries and a big spinach salad.
 Chores at 7.

 Gary had Finn and Coop duty this afternoon.  Whenever he is home tho, he's working on getting the garden planted.

 Today, the energizer bunny I am not.
Night all.


  1. Garrison Keillor says you need the "Re-bop Rhubarb pie " to perk you up, of course with ice cream.

  2. I can't function when it is humid. Part of the reason we are looking for a place in the mountains, is that the Sacramento delta gets humid (not like you, but still). Ick. But, your pastures are gorgeous and green while ours are ugly brown. Beauty has its price, I guess.

  3. Keep cool if you can! Lovely horse shots.

  4. I also cannot cope with humidity. I lived in Georgia in the mid-eighties and nearly melted. It has become more humid over the years in MN, which means I get less and less done in the summer. I do understand.

  5. the irises are beautiful!
    & it's hot & humid here too...

    Did Abe get a good nap in?

  6. Looks like you had quite a day. Nice photos of the horses.

  7. Oooh. Blue irises. Wish we had some of those.
    P.S. Made that rhubarb pie. First ever taste of rhubarb! Imagine that. Came out soupy but delish.

  8. Hope you're not coming down with something.

    That Berlin has the best coat!


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