Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rise and Shine...

Last night the moon looked like this when I finally got ready for bed....dramatic.

This morning I knew I had to be in Rochester by 7:15 and woke up a little after 5:30.  The sunrise was divine...

Today we were drumming at the half-marathon that goes through Highland Park.  This was our third year and they always place us at the top of a very long hill so the runners have a little help getting to us.

 There were over 4000 participants and we never stopped until the last one went by.

This guy cracks me up.  He counts the drummers and does a push up for each (same thing last year).

They really appreciate the energy we lend to the event.

 Home a little after 10.

 Lorrie came over around 2 so she could learn about line driving.
I finally got my act together and did something with sweet Abbe.  She has not been worked for almost two years, between lameness and my knee replacement.  I free lounged her for a short time to see what she remembered.  Such a smart cookie.  Added the lines and we did our thing.  Just used her halter today.

 Berlin and Moon did their best to distract her, as the back door was open and they could see inside from the outdoor arena.

 Moon wondered what the heck was going on.

I let Lorrie try line driving (her first time) and within a few minutes she got the hang of it.
Abbe could not have been better....even with her girlfriends watching.

We had an early dinner...both of us were starving.

 Another Saint Tim salad...with apples and pears...
 Organic chicken and rice.  Yummy!!!

Brought the girls in just before it started to rain.  Yikes!  Tomorrow I'm supposed to have the indoor and outdoor rings rototilled.  Might not happen.

I need some sleep.
Night all.


  1. Beautifful moon Lori and sunrise. We have been hooking the cart up quite a bit this past week. Looks like Abbe won't be too much trouble to refresh :)

  2. Gosh that moon is breathtaking. Beautiful day
    Benny & Lily

  3. Glad to see Abbe working and teaching. What a good girl. I'm getting ready to do the same with Big Ben, but will refresh my skills on the ever-kindly Boomer first.

  4. Oh how fabulous, the moon!! How great you can use your talent and passion to inspire marathon runners! I'm sure they can't help but run to the beat.

  5. Great shot of the moon, Lori. We were out on the mine last night, but even though Grant drove up onto the dam wall, the moon, was clouded over so I missed it! I love the guy who did eleven push-ups in the middle of his run at the top of a hill. Wow ! And I love the line driving - wish I was there to see it in real life, but you made it come alive for me. Abbe is a real winner.

  6. Lovely day from sunrise, or earlier, to dusk, Great drumming, the runners would get such a lift. Greetings, Jean

  7. Lori, we have been so busy with fencing and paperwork over here, that i have been falling asleep at my desk. Today its raining so i get a break inside LOL back at the desk...

    so its nice to come visit you and see what you are up to - it all looks like FUN stuff, YAY!!! and once again, beautiful drumming, beautiful horses, beautiful food... :)

  8. A lovely day. And wow -what a stunning moon.

  9. The line driving looks like so much fun!

  10. That runner is so funny ~~~ every year you say ~~~ you have definitely started something good!

    Organic chicken ~~~ MMmmmmMMM!
    and apple and pear salad! MMmmmmM!!


  11. What a nice day you had! Glad you and Abbe got together. Bet she loved the attention! Sorry I couldn't talk very well today...thanks for checking.

  12. Too fun and too funny. I expect to see some driving next time I come visit :-D.

    Tell Gary some of his tulips are getting ready to bloom!

  13. Such an early morning! Wonderful that you are there to encourage the runners.


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