Sunday, April 14, 2013

Light Motivation...

To see the sun this morning was a major boost!

This is one of Sidney's hideouts (in Gary's barn).

We have been working on the's going to be a long time before they are together.

 Seymour sure has beautiful green eyes....
 While I was motivated, the studio got my attention and is now ready for class on Tuesday.

 My buddies love to hang out there.
 I barely got started on the gardens.
Gary planted peas in one of the raised beds and is trying to get the others ready.  Our chives are already up from last year and the garlic is about 9 or 10 inches high.

Evening chores at 6:30.  Still very beautiful out, but it was COLD all day.

 The pond has gotten smaller yet again.
Grabbed a couple shots of the clouds on my way in.
Cotton balls all over the place.
 Veggie burgers, roasted potatoes and apples for dinner.
 Time for a nice hot shower.
Night all.


  1. I turned our heat back on this morning, and like you, enjoyed the sun! I hope you enjoy your evening as well! :-)

  2. You furry kids are adorable!!
    Benny & Lily

  3. I'm glad you finally got some sunshine even if it was cold.

  4. Seymour is gorgeous! And kitties look as happy to see the sun as you are. Tails UP. :)

  5. Beautiful pictures. It is starting to warm up a little here.

  6. REALLY nice shots today! Green eyed cat is my favorite. Nice sun on the barn too.

  7. How exciting to see the whole property coming back to life! Love the studio!

  8. Love the photo tours of your farm! The picture of Seymour is great! Such a beautiful cat!


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