Thursday, April 11, 2013

Just Duckie!

What a day.  This morning it was cold and there was a freezing rain advisory.
 I tried feeding the horses under the shed roof, but Moon kept moving them around and it didn't work too well.  So, they stood in the rain and went out to the pasture.
 After chores I grabbed a quick shower and drove into Brockport for a 10am appointment with the massage therapist.  Nope!  It's tomorrow....
By then it was hailing, so instead of going to Agape I went back to the farm and put the horses in for the afternoon.  It was bridge day and I didn't want them to get any more soaked than they were.
What's your bid Sally?

On my way home all the trees were glazed with a layer of ice.

 I started on dinner, then went to the barn so the girls could have a little outside time before their night feeding.  Cleaned the stalls and reset them before they were called back in.

 They are not used to being inside during the day, but it was just too ugly out there.
 I will say, that all the water we're getting has made the gardens start to grow.
 Dinner.  Mixed organic greens with onion, pear and crumbly blue.  Is this the one I should make for Saint Tim?
 and mashed potatoes.
Gary has a fire going in the kitchen, and that's where I'm headed.
Night all.


  1. Crazy! It was 70 here all day. Lots of rain. Is that a bed of day lilies?

  2. Love the ice pics.
    The girls didn't get too muddy - too cold to roll maybe.

  3. it got a little cold here today too but nothing like what you got.

  4. Freezing rain, growth in the garden, and a lovely meal, maybe soon your days will stay warmer.Here we have a shower, sunshine, and a breeze, all at the same time. Moon has stunning colouring. Cheers, Jean

  5. Ice in mid April... that's just wrong.

  6. Oh brrrr Lori. Our daily temps are 24 degrees and I have a trackie top on. Too cold for me. Have a great day. Jo

  7. Freezing rain has to be one of the worst. I would hate that. Hope you have sunny skies soon.

  8. Well I had a great comment but I am so hungry right now I will have to start reading you in the middle of the night so my breakfast will not look so boring:)
    The horses all look so cozy in the bar.
    It is freezing rain here and since it just started an hour ago I have no idea what we are in for. Have a nice weekend. Hug B


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