Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It Was Not 20's First Trip to Skoog Farm

 A crispy but nice morning.
 Sara helped with chores and brought along her camera (of course).

Back in the house by 8:15 for a little breakfast as she and Auntie Reg had to leave by 10.
 Here is Sara in another one of her gorgeous sweaters...wool donated by the sheep of Punkin's Patch.
She does it all from beginning to end.
 20 came in for a quick art lesson.

It had to be documented for Saint Tim.
 Auntie Reg was a witness.
 This trip, 20's buddy (the Sock Monkey) came along for the ride.

 Phoebe and Gucci were bored by the whole thing.
 Before leaving, Sara had to check things out on the computer.....
 and 20 spent a few minutes chatting with Gary.
 It was all about an article in the morning paper.
 Time to leave...a quick trip to Weggies before hitting their next stop, Nistock Farms,
where over 100 lambies are in the process of being born.
 Loved this visit and was very happy to meet Auntie Reg.  Really appreciate the effort it took to drive up here from Kentucky and can't wait 'til they come back.
 By mid afternoon, the sun really kicked in.  Tomorrow we are supposed hit the 50s and I can't wait.
I read and took an hour and a half nap.
 Chores at 6:30....very windy, but the sky was still brilliant.

 Tucked the girls in...they were ready.

 Leftover pasta for dinner. 
Night all.

And now for the report from Daytona....

Jenny, Coop and Finn spent the day checking out the area.


  1. Ha I just love that you said "Crispy Morning" I don't know why that just tickles me. Sara's sweater was really sharp ... beautiful really. Jenny, Coop and Fin ... fun!

  2. What a gorgeous sweater! What patience that must require. The kids look like they're having a great time, I'm a little jealous!

  3. Here I was, not knowing all else Daytona had to offer, I really only knew about the " speedway".I like the super pencil, art, crayon ,case, and all else, lovely family and friend pics, So glad you were all together to catch up.Wonderful handspun wool, knitted beautifully, many hours handwork in it all. Cheers from Jean

  4. Your home looks beautiful!
    20 cracks me up, and I love Sara's sweater. Since Jester is one of my favorite sheep, that sweater is double-special.

  5. It looks like mud season has arrived! I had to switch Luke's blanket because I couldn't stand the dirt and it needs a bit of repair. I'm being optimistic and moved to a sheet. Happy (if not quite warm yet) Spring!

  6. Ah...envious. did i say that before? Im envious of the interesting conversations, good food, and adventure ... sigh...

  7. Goodness, 20 is a big chap!!
    Loved Sara's sweater too, it's really nice when you get to meet fellow bloggers :)

  8. I love 20 and the Sock Monkey! Stunning sweater! And the weather looks warmer, Lori?

  9. Fun fun fun..... So that is the Aunt Reg who is getting to enjoy all those culinary delights. Lucky her. Great photography. Hugs B

  10. So nice that you enjoyed a visit from your Kentucky friends! Looks like they had fun, including 20!

    Playlist works now?!!!

  11. It would be so fun to see the reactions at stop lights of 20 sitting in the back seat! Looks like all had a super time!

  12. Thanks for sharing -- what a nice family you have!! Glorious Header under difficult lighting conditions --

  13. I've been away so long :( so over-whelmed. Love Sara's sweater... my mom could knit them but I can't) and the fact that you had blog visitors is beyond cool. Looks like a great time.

  14. Looking forward to seeing more of the new season sights on Skoog Farm!


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