Friday, April 5, 2013

Don't Be Fooled By The Sunshine....

 The morning started out alright.  No blankets for the ponies.

 Very bright.

 The wind came up and the temperature went with the windchill it was in the 20s.
 Being the nice person I am, put some sheets on the girls.  They stood right there in the pasture and let me do it, so they must have wanted them on.

Gary worked at Sara's and got home around 1, just in time to have lunch, grab a shower and get down to the Alumni House to set up First Friday.

I got there around 4:30 and wanted to leave my vest and gloves in the car.  Didn't the WIND blow my door shut with the keys inside.  What a pain in the butt.

 A large and very chatty crowd....good time.

Home by 6:30 and went out to do chores.
 The girls were waiting for me.

Being vertically challenged, it sure would be nice to have some long legs.
 By the time I was ready to go in, the back 40 was glowing.

Before long, these gardens will be going insane.
Night all.


  1. Oooh I almost feel guilty we held onto the warmth here. Almost. Haha isn't it wonderful FINALLY feeling spring?

  2. This morning is beginning with a cold temperature of 37º F but it is supposed to reach 63º F by the middle of the afternoon. This cool approach to summer signals everything to wake up from the torpor of winter and race to reach maturity for this year and stand tall; flowers blooming, and showing off the finest leaves without a single blemish, inviting hoards of bugs and beasts to a feast on the goodness of nature. Love your photography.

  3. Whew! Seems like just yesterday we were there...and like it was a hundred years ago.


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