Monday, April 22, 2013

By Noon I Could Feel It....

A little heat that is.....
 This morning was in the low 30s and the wind was back....sheets still on.

 I picked more of the downed daffodils to take over to Jens.

 Thought about going to Agape, but settled for doing some outside work instead.  I pulled out a huge section of we just have to move it over to the pick up area.

Had a 2pm meeting with the Art & Aesthetics Committee to do a full inventory of our auction items.
Here are a few more samples.

 (sorry about the reflection from the windows)

 Got home a little before 5.  Gary had no Finn and Coop duty today as Jen called and said they were up all night and stayed home from school and work.  (Barf city).  Anyway, he was out in the studio working on his chair.  The temperature went up to at least 60 degrees and it was gorgeous.

 Once again we ate dinner before chores....too nice to put the girls in.

 That sunshine is making things start to grow.  Do you recognize this Tina?

Come on girls....time to eat.....

Hey Auntie your sweet note.  We are just going to have to take a trip to Kentucky.

Night all.


  1. It's always nice to feel spring in the air, and see the clematis vine come to life too! :-)

    Enjoy your evening--Cold here in VA, but spring is here!

  2. Warm then cold, how fickle is the weather? Lovely auction goodies. I did a search on fracking here in NZ, lots of info, so "not my usual blog" was quite different today!!. Sandra is one accomplished lady, and I admire her so very much. Greetings from Jean .

  3. Looking good! -- horses, yard, food, art... all looking good.


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