Friday, April 19, 2013

Another High Wind Advisory....

It was near 70 this morning...

After chores I drove to Brockport and picked up a carving by Al C. that will be in our
Stone Soup Auction.   He is such a pro.  While there, I also photographed many of Brenda's paintings (be sure and check out the post below as they are beautiful).
 Tootsie Louise was not happy when I arrived without Phoebe and Gucci.

 Next stop....Agape.
 I brought my Kindle with me and read while I was on the bike and elliptical.  It's a great distraction and this is the first day I hit 14 minutes straight on the "e".  Went on some other equipment to cool down and got back on to finish up.

On the way home I dropped 4 items off for the Auction and grabbed a couple shots of 3 others that are going to be available.

Between 1:30 and 3:00 the temperature dropped 30 degrees and we had some rain.  Colic weather, so I put the sheets back on the ponies and they went in at 5:30 instead of 6:30.  There were many branches crashing to the ground from the high the front paddock too.
 The three girlies were tucked in and cozy.

 My model was back.

Hooked up with Jenny for dinner...
 She picked Barber's.

 The sun had set by the time Jenny placed our order.  No waitresses here, you just go up to the bar and tell them what you want.  There have been times when I've written up the order myself....a true old fashioned, townie joint.

 Such a pig out....

 We always run into people we know...

 The music was especially good and we blamed it on Mark K.  You've seen him before...he plays in a couple of bands and the community big band....sax.  We heard everything from "Take Five" to "Big Shot." (Juke Box)
 A lot of singing was going on.  Good times.

 We did not go home hungry.

Thanks for the tunes Mark.

How about Boston?  Good news.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful items for the auction, LOVE.. the quilt, wish I was coming, is the next photo a coiled bowl?? Storm video, it really did come with force. Cheers from Jean

  2. Ugh! That drop in temperature was cruel wasn't it?! It was so weird this morning here at 4am (puppy potty duties) it was 70 and by 8am wind, rain, and colllldddd. Of course I had the windows open and a mess to clean up!


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