Monday, April 8, 2013

Another Drop in the Temperature...

 An ok morning weatherwise.  We are supposed to have rain for 4 days in a row, but it didn't happen today until we had a few sprinkles around 6:30pm.
 I feel so fortunate to have Moon and Lorrie at the farm.  A real pleasure to gab all through chores.  She has been so helpful, and Moon is a doll.
 As soon as the girls went out to the paddock, Berlin came up to me so I could see her puffed up eye.
Did a quick cold soak and put a mask on her (at that time we had some sun).

At 2pm the horse's dentist arrived.  Very fortunate that they have never needed to be usual, Berlin and Abbe were very cooperative.

 Berlin's eye was much improved, but not back to normal...can you see it?
 Fortunately, Lorrie came over to occupy Moon (whose teeth were done before she moved here) as she was not to happy to be left out in the pasture.
As soon as Berlin and Abbe were finished, they wanted to find her.

 Decided to fill up the big water trough today.  As the afternoon wore on, it got colder and more sunshine.

Look what arrived this afternoon!  Don't you love getting something that costs this much and has NO directions?  So frustrating.  This is going to take some doing....
Jenny came up tonight to try and help me...she has an iPhone and could apply much of what she has learned.
 Leftovers for dinner.  Fine with me.

Our Art & Aesthetics Committee has been working very hard over the last few weeks to get our auction together.  
May 3rd....right after First Friday
7pm in the LGI at the High School.
Help us raise money to install another piece of community art!
Below are two pieces (we have over 50) that will be auctioned off.

 One of our committee members happens to create amazing jewelry (that would be Alicia Fink) and she has donated a necklace and earrings to be raffled off the night of our event.
Genuine Turquoise and Fine Silver, a $500 value.
Tickets will cost $1 each or 6 for $5.
I will be posting more items as I have a chance to photograph them.

Night all.
I hear rain.


  1. I promise you will love that iPad! When I got my first one I sort of thought it was useless...doesn't take long before you're reaching for it nonstop. Ooh that eye looks like it hurts! Hope she is better by morning.

  2. You are in trouble now. I have an iPad and I'm addicted to the thing,

  3. It's great to see the girls getting on so well now.
    And its great to see your place without a thick coating of snow.
    Happy Spring!

  4. OMW I love that turquoise and silver necklace, Lori. My favorite color. We could send you some rain from East Africa? Lol! I love the teeth cleaning service. Farmers back home in SA laugh themselves silly because I take my cats to the vet to have their teeth cleaned. Mmm. Hope you're having a great day. Jo

  5. I agree with Stephen - you will learn to love your iPad. Be sure to explore the aps that are available.
    I adore your header photo!

  6. Hope Berlin's eye is all better.
    Tell Lorrie that if she ever moves West, she can board Moon with us - I would love to have a boarder like her! Then again, we had a 50 degree temperature drop. She may not want to move here, lol.


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