Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wine.....not Whine

 3 little piggies....

Hit 40 today...still melting so the horses can roll in the mud.

While I was home being a bum, Gary volunteered to go into Rochester to work at a fundraiser for Camp Good Days and Special Times.  He left at 7am and got home at 6!
The event was the Finger Lakes International Wine Competition.  80 people from four continents were judging the wines.  He thought it was a very impressive event!
  It will be interesting to see how the wineries in this area stacked up.

 I'm sure you have this part figured out.  Yes, we are pasta freaks.

Night all.


  1. Wine and pasta, pasta and wine. Match made in heaven of you ask me!

  2. Snow here tonight--And I think it's okay to be home and be a bum, I look forward to it!! :-)

  3. I'm a sucker for those golden light photos. So pretty.

  4. Dear Lori, besides enjoying your photographs of horses and food and the information about the wine-tasting, I just loved hearing the song "The Very Thought of You." It's been so many years since I heard it sung. It takes me back many, many years. Thank you. Peace.

  5. I am a pasta freak too, just had some amazing mac and cheese from get this, one of our coffee shops! Mud mud everywhere and is that a daylily about to bloom?

  6. So much mud here too. The entire herd has been rolling today and it is just caked on every inch of them. You're lucky yours are wearing blankets.

    Pasta and wine ... Perfect! But then I'm half Italian so it seems a natural combo to me.

  7. Daffodils??!! Ohmygosh, so jealous!


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