Friday, March 8, 2013

Skywatch Friday

20 minutes....

We have been waiting for some sunshine so the snow will disappear.  This could be the day.
(8:20am-8:40am at Skoog Farm)

To view more skies from around the world, click on SkyWatch in my sidebar.


  1. Those last 3 do look like it may have cleared up for you! Hard to believe your area and many others still have snow, and I've had the AC on practically all winter... Hope all is well with you!

  2. such a pretty place you live in. :)

  3. Got to love those blue skies!

  4. Wonderful photos. Happy sky watching.

    My sky.

  5. We are having a sunny day today. I hope we have many more as I am tired of all this rain---no snow. MB

  6. Oh Lori the sun has been shining all day today it is a little cool but comfortable. Our snow is still here and it is so stiff I do not need snowshoes in the morning. I love it. B


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