Monday, March 11, 2013

Ponies From Morning 'Til Night

I promise....I will stop posting so many pictures of the ponies.  Today I worked out at Agape and stopped at Weggies on the way home, but that was about it.  Except for while I was gone, Moon was with Abbe and Berlin and I needed to tune in to the activity.
Not the most beautiful morning, but at least it was mild. 
 The new girl was the first to go out to the pasture, leaving the hay behind.

 All of sudden all three were running back and forth from the pasture to the paddock....they looked gorgeous and I could not get my camera fast enough.
 There were deer out back.
 Moon was put in her run-in and I left for Brockport.

Around 2 she was put back with others.

 Almost all of the snow is gone but there is a lot of standing water.

 I was taking advantage of the reflections.

 For the past two days we have had hundreds and hundreds of geese flying overhead.  Have you?
 This got Moon a little excited.

 I spent an hour picking the pasture and they seemed to do be doing well so I went back to the house for some reading and sitting by the fire.  It's going to cool down tomorrow.  In fact, when I went out to do evening chores it was very windy.

Oddly enough, Moon was the first one in.

 It was still fairly light at 6:30.  Fine with me...if the sun was out it would not be dark yet.
Night all.


  1. Love those shots with the reflections.

  2. Gorgeous photos Lori -- we got about 11 inches of snow this weekend, but I don't think it's going to stay very long.

  3. Love love that last shot of the three of them.

  4. Wow all your snow is gone I cannot believe it. Now I do believe we live in Canada I thought we would be close to the same.
    Love seeing the horses. Hug B

  5. You can't post too many pony pictures for me! The three horses look beautiful together.

  6. I sure hope you don't cut back on the pony pics!
    Love Moon's dark tail with her light body. So pretty.

  7. Keep on posting photos of your horses - they are really beautiful. I can see your love for them.

  8. No such thing as too many pony pictures!

  9. I agree that you can never have too many pictures of your beautiful ponies! Love the video of Moon getting frisky...what a cutiepie she is! Only 8 more days until spring...

  10. OMG - please don't stop. This are such great photos. I am partial to this horse because I used to have on just like it - but the spots were darker.

  11. Love the pics of ponies - don't stop! Moon is beginning to feel her oats, mm?


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