Saturday, March 9, 2013

Picture Overload....

 A little after 6 it was pink, before 7 it was orange and by 8 it was grey (this is not a black & white photo).

Today Abbe got the nerve up to get a little closer to Moon. (Aren't the blankets looking lovely)?

 They all had almost half an hour together in the pasture after an hour in the paddock.

 Fortunately the sun reappeared and the rest of the day was purrfect.
 Gary pruned some of our fruit trees.
 The garlic is up several inches and did not seem to care if the snow melted or not.

 I was so inspired by the weather I organized the kitty condo and washed all their beds and blankies, (knowing full well that we are going to get pounded with snow again). 

 Look at all that green.  If it is really 57 degrees tomorrow, it's going to look even better.
 Jenny and the boys were coming for dinner so I made a razzelberry pie.  (cheated)

 Could not have asked for a more beautiful afternoon...I did not go to drumming.
 As soon as the crew arrived we went out to the barn so the boys could meet Moon.  They helped pick the paddock in the way.

 Berlin and Abbe were interested in all the activity.
 While we were in the barn, Finn and Coop decided to go play in the flooded outdoor arena.

 They got soaked and muddy.  (I told Coop I was going to tell everyone he picked the paddock with his hands).

 It was still bright when we got back to the house.

 I think Coop vants to be in the movies.

 The boys had cheese paninis...Jen, Gary and I had BIG salads.
Mixed greens, oranges, onion, chicken and gorganzola cheese.

 As today is our daughter Stephanie's birthday, Finn wanted to make a toast during dinner.

(Senior picture)

After dinner we did a little drumming .... Coop and his Mom also had something to say sing.

That just about finished Pooh off.
Night all.



  1. So many great photos but love the kitty condo one and the kitty by the fence looking up at the horse photo.

    Happy Birthday, Stephanie.

  2. Lovely collection of photos from your day, Lori. The horse/cat photo is definitely my favorite!

  3. Adorable pics of the boys!
    Love those sky pics too.


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