Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Little of This, A Little of That

Boy, have we had all kinds of weather today.
 The morning started out beautifully....great sunrise....

 followed by the typical grey day.

 Went to chorus for a 10 am practice.  Every Wednesday there are cookies for sale as a fundraiser for the Senior Center.  They know they have a captive audience.  We usually get some for home and Gar takes a few down to Jenny's for  Finn and Coop.
 Started working on some black beans for a burrito dinner.
First I sauteed onion, orange pepper and carrots....
 added black beans and salsa... (cumin, pepper flakes and chili pepper)
 then a little fresh tomato.  Let it cook down enough to get slightly mushy.

In the meantime, I had to go back to Brockport for an appointment with the massage therapist.

Before I arrived they had hail.  On my way home it was snowing like crazy.

For a few minutes we had bright sun....then snow flurries.  Back and forth...back and forth.

We had dinner before chores as Gary had to go back down to Jens.
Black Bean Burritos.

 Gary likes to wrap his...
 I like to eat mine like a salad.  The guacamole was perfect.
 By now it was getting darker and darker and it was only 6 o'clock.

Tucked the girls in at the right moment, as it started to snow and blow big time.
 All three had rolled and were filthy....again.

Threw another log on the fire and downloaded some pictures for this post.

  5 minutes and a big change.

 Was doing my thing at the computer when I heard a loud bang.
Looked out the window, and what did I see?  A car drove right into our yard, knocked down the mail box and was hung up on some rocks.  The second accident on our property in two weeks.  Very slippery conditions and the girl hit her breaks.... Called 911.

Her boyfriend arrived quickly and while the sheriff was here, pulled the car out totally scraping off about 50 feet of our yard.  Not too dull in Skoogville lately.

Night all.


  1. Oh what a spectacular sunrise! Sorry for the damage to your property. At least this accident seems more of an innocent mistake.

  2. Crazy weather!
    Glad your yard-crasher wasn't hurt.
    We're warm here!

  3. Glad no one was hurt but the grass and isn't this just like spring weather! sigh....

  4. Wow your photos always knock me out in a good way:)
    Too bad about that poor girls car.
    I love coming here to see Skoogville:)
    Thanks for the compliment on my blog I will be sixty before the end of the month.:) Hugs B

  5. I think Mother Nature hit all the boxes with your weather, and you've hit my taste buds with your dinner!

    I hope today is enjoyable too!

  6. Never a dull moment is right! You also bring a whole new dimension to black bean burritos!


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