Thursday, February 14, 2013

There Will Be A New Girl In Town....

"Good Morning peoples!  Sidney here."

 Not a bad start.  No wind.  No sun.  Rather mild.  Abbe chose to scrounge for grass in the pasture and Berlin stuck with hay.

 After chores, Gary and I went to a nearby village and had our taxes done.  What a service.  We have been going there for several years and there is NO CHARGE.

Home by noon for a short time, then I was off to play bridge.  I'm getting used to playing in the afternoon...after 20 some years playing at night.
 We had only two tables today and it seemed that my partner (Betty) and I were getting some very bad cards.  We came in 2nd.
Pretend this is one of the hands....what would you bid Sally?
Fortunately we have agreed not to have a table full of food anymore...Carol made a carrot cake from scratch and that was quite enough.  (Delish!)

 Home by 4:30 and out to do chores an hour later.  Had some company with me.
Gary watched the boys today and when he got back to the farm he brought a box of these little cupcakes that Jenny picked up in Rochester.  Aren't they sweet?  They tasted sweet....

 I still have not made a serious home too late.
 Ham and Swiss Cheese Sandwiches, potato salad, Gary's dill pickles and BBQued Kettle Chips.
Maybe tomorrow.

This is Moon!  She is owned by LD and should be moving here in the near future.  Like Abbe, she is a Pony of the Americas.  Today Gary created a stall for her (my Valentine's Day present) and I look forward to seeing her in it.  She is a driving pony and her owner loves her to pieces!

Night all.


  1. Like visiting the suburbs of Heaven!

    Wishing YOU and the creatures
    a happy Valentine's Day from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

  2. What a lovely new girl, and a super Valentine's gift to you.Still lots of snow everywhere, hope no more big dumps coming your way for a long time. Greetings from Jean

  3. One no-trump and hope your partner has good spades!

    Moon...can't wait to meet her.

    Love Seymour's picture.

  4. Moon is cute as can be! I look forward to seeing her and learning more about her!

  5. I can't wait to hear and see more of Moon. And, yes, there were tears in Brett's eyes when he watched the video. I scored big time on that one.

  6. What a lovely new girl on the block Moon is! I'm glad Sydney was there to welcome her, LOL! I loved the cupcakes. The modern take on and renewed interest in these old-fashioned cakes, were a lively subject at my birthday tea party on Wednesday. They look scrumptious in your photo. I spent ages looking at your bridge hand - unfortunately I've forgotten most of what I learnt at my mother's elbow when I was little. I hope to take it up again when we go home to SA eventually! Have a great weekend, Lori. Greetings, Jo

  7. Oh you always leave me thinking of food and I have to go do the chores so no time to make carrot cake I am thinking now. Hug B

  8. Moon looks lovely! Looking forward to hearing all about the New Girl.

    I notice "Bring it on" is gone, hope it works ;D

  9. Welcome, Moon! So excited to meet you! And you drive! Driving is so much fun.


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