Monday, February 11, 2013

Thar She Blows....

 Not my favorite morning.  It started melting last night, but by this morning there were some very icy spots on the driveway.  When I got out by the gate to the paddock, slipped and fell on my back as I attempted to brace myself with my left arm.  Big mistake!  I really jammed it and have one more pain in the a** to deal with.  Lesson learned....just let yourself fall.

 Decided to go to Agape so I could get some advise from AJ (PT).  Who knows what damage I did.  
There was enough movement to make me feel it's not major, but it does not feel great.  The good news, it had no impact on my workout as all was done for lower body.  Got my 20 minutes in on the elliptical plus the bike and many other things.  Ice.  Ice.  Ice.
When I got hope, it was gorgeous outside...the sun felt great.

 Almost 50 so I took of the girl's blankets.

 Within 2 hours the sun disappeared and the wind really kicked up.  Of course the temperature dropped and I had to go out and put on blankets.
 My buddy Sid was hiding under the hay.
 I spent the afternoon reading by the fire and did not fall asleep.
Just complained about my arm.

Chores at 5:30.

A dinner of leftover soup, meatball sandwiches and a fruit cup.
Really not in a picture taking mood...will try harder tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. Hope the arm feels better - that must have hurt!

    We had terrible wind today - gusts to 45 mph - really nasty.

  2. Ouch, that doesn't sound pleasant. Hope you heal quickly.

  3. Ouch! I swear by my Yaktrax spikes that slip on over my boots. They have saved me this winter with all the ice I need to cross to get to and around the chicken coop. I hope you feel okay tomorrow.

  4. Oh Lori I am sorry you took that fall, the icy spots were really tricky today ! I hope your arm feels better within a day or so. It is hard not to stop your fall, and better an arm out than a knock out perhaps.
    Take care

  5. Oh no! Just what you don't need. Hope you feel better in the morning.

  6. Oh no! Sorry you fell. Glad to hear it doesn't sound like it will be too bad. I fell in October and twisted my knee and it's still a little sore! The dumbest falls seem to hurt the most haha (in my case)

  7. When in pain, leave the planned jobs, and rest, a good book by the fire, easy meals, and ice, but not the skidding kind.So glad there were no broken bones or further damage.That snow still looks very thick. Take care, greetings from Jean

  8. Ouch! Hope it feels better by morning! Maybe some spiky things to wear over your boots?

  9. So sorry to hear about your accident, Lori. I just about lost it a couple times yesterday. Frozen rain, sleet, then rain on top of the melting snow. It can be very deceiving. I hope your arm heals quickly.

  10. Always let your self fall. I learned that on the hard way at least you did not break it.
    Take care. Hug. B

  11. Sorry to hear that you fell. Hope all is good soon. Love all the horse photos and the snow pics in the last post.

  12. Sorry to hear that you fell. Hope all is good soon. Love all the horse photos and the snow pics in the last post.

  13. But if you just 'let yourself fall,' don't you end up hurting/breaking something else? Be better soon . . . xx

  14. That's pretty much how I broke my wrist last year - I put my hand out to save myself as I fell, it would have been much safer just to fall on my butt. Hope you heal quickly!

    Naked horsies in the sun! Did they have a nice roll when you took off their rugs?

  15. Ouch! I did one of those about 2 weeks ago on my walk....we had black ice. Oh yeah, but I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk not on the ice-seriously. Landed on my already jammed up shoulder. I feel for you but on the plus side - the girls look so happy and SUNSHINE!

  16. So sorry to hear about you hurting your arm, Lori. Hope you (it) feels better soon.I just love your horses in the snow and could eat Sid under the hay, he's so cute. Rest up that injury. Jo

  17. Sorry to hear you fell Lori...sure hope it's nothing serious and feels much better soon.
    I just love your Abbey mare - she's so adorable! Well, they're both sweet. Just something about that white one and her cute little face, I can't help but smile.
    Glad you all got to enjoy even a little bit of sunshine - sure does the soul good!

  18. Greetings from Montreal, Canada. I absolutely love your photos. I hope that your arm heals quickly.

  19. I hope your arm feels better. Slipping on ice is horrible - rock hard when you fall. Take some Aleve and stay by the fire.

  20. No way you are going to fall and not reflexively try to cushion the impact -- that said, hope you are mending rapidly! The Header is absolutely breathtaking! I love it --

  21. I fell a couple days ago as well. Really made me mad and made me feel old. Hurt, too. Hope your arms feels better quickly. While 50* sounds like heaven I am positive I wouldn't like your daily up and down weather. We also have extreme weather changes, but over a week.


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