Thursday, February 21, 2013

Something A Little Different....

 This morning the sun was trying desperately to peek through the clouds.
 It was barely 10 degrees and that darn wind was back.

Our agenda for today was going to be a little different.  Jenny invited us to go in to Rochester to listen to our Governor,  Andrew Cuomo, speak to us about the State Budget.  We asked Roger and Tina to join us and decided to go out to lunch first.  Anxious to try out Swan's Market for a nice old fashioned German lunch,  (I took you here before, when we made a German dinner) we got there before noon so there would not be a crowd. It was CLOSED!  The sign on the door said they would be on vacation until the 27th.  We were extra disappointed as the plan was to not only eat lunch, but load up on some of their homemade sausages.
 Our next choice was Pomodoro's over on University Ave.
 Did I remember to take pictures?  NO.  However, Gary ordered the chicken salad that I had there the last time....
 and Tina had the Beef Tenderloin sandwich with caramelized onions and blue cheese.
 Roger and I tried the special....a pork tenderloin sandwich with caramelized onions and an outstanding bbq sauce.  We were all very happy with our choices.

From there were drove over to the parking ramp next to the Eastman Theatre and practically froze to death as we walked over to Kilbourn Hall.  What a beautiful space.  I wish I had been there last summer during the Jazz Festival watching Diana Krall (one of my favorites).
 No good pictures as we were too far away.
The place was loaded with politicos, staff members, area town supervisors, college administrators, the press and a few regular joes.  You could not wear your coat in and had to show ID.
On the left is Lt. Gov. Dufy, who used to be the mayor of Rochester, lower center is Gov. Cuomo, and on the right is Jenny's boss, Assemblyman Harry Bronson.


 The presentation was excellent and the Governor covered a lot of bases that made sense.
 We saw all kinds of local hot shots as we were leaving and felt that the event was well worth the trip.

 Meanwhile back at the ranch, there was just enough time to start a fire and read a few pages before going out to do chores.
 As you can see, the green is gone and the snow is back.
 We are supposed to have several days in a row above freezing starting tomorrow.

That will make me very happy.

No cooking tonight.  Every man for himself (again)!  Saint Tim would like that, as he can cook and could make everything but one of my salads with fruit in it.
Night all.


  1. I think I could take the winter if that darn wind wasn't so bad! But you've had a full and fun day and lunch was a great place to start! STay warm and enjoy your evening!

  2. What a neat beam of light over your barn.
    Our weather is about the same as yours again. Bitterly cold, windy, 6" of snow. Warmer for a couple of days, then more snow Sunday.

  3. No! That statement so cracked me right up. You didn't remember.
    Good outing
    Sorry the German place was on vaca.
    Man it's cold yet there. We ate just in the 30's At night. Better in days.

    Those cloudy, hazy shots over the roofs were truly gorgeous.

  4. Super morning photos, and a great event, no coats? is this a security measure? Hope your days warm up soon, Cheers from Jean

  5. Oh I LOVE that top shot it is awesome.
    What a fun day something different is always a good thing. Too bad about the shop being closed. I bet you slept well last night. Hug B

  6. great sky series! all the colors, then fading to overcast.


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