Friday, February 1, 2013

Slow Gear...

 I guess variety is the spice of life.  Around here, you never know what the weather will be.

 Phoebe and Gucci took a nap before we left for the groomers.  The road was not plowed and there were whiteouts until about 9:45 when we left the farm.
 After dropping them off, I went to Agape.  It took everything I had to do 3 rounds on the eliptical but I hit a total of 19 minutes and did all my other stuff.  Ugh.....
 The sky was trying to show off a little blue by lunch time....
 But of course...we had leftovers.
 Picked up the pups around two and by then the sun was out in full force.
 Their haircuts were pretty short and they are really going to need their coats when we go to the barn.
 More naps...nice and clean....

 Gary hosted his usual First Friday event this afternoon and I did not have the energy to leave the house.

Went out to do chores a little after 5.  My spoiled girls each get two gallons of hot water in their buckets, which really encourages their drinking.  I use my trusty little sled to drag everything out in one trip.
 I don't know about the horses, but I was freezing.  Low 20s all day.
 Tucked them in and could not wait to get by the fire.
 Even with their coats on, Phoebe and Gucci were not too excited to be outside.
Did not have to make dinner and fell asleep reading.  Now I'm going to give my book another shot.
Night all.


  1. Another nice day! Even if it was too cold--It was for me too!

  2. The pups look great. We are in the middle of a warm streak here. I had a long day at work so we just had Italian sausage sandwiches and salad for dinner. Brett says to me "are those bananas in the salad?" Yep. And he ate it all up an said it was good. :) The salad tips I learn from you!

  3. It looks way past being described as cold, keep inside, a good book, a cosy fire, lovely food, girls all tucked up, the way to go. Cheers from Jean

  4. The poor little doggies must have been frozen! It even seemed to be radiating cold out through the screen of my laptop.

  5. We're hoping for 40s today Lori -- hope it warms up for you!

  6. I love reading your blog, and your pictures are wonderful. I guess I fantasize that I would be living your kind of life had my husband not passed away 7 years ago. We had bought a small farm and had horses, just got started on a "retirement dream" when he died.

    Anyway, love your blog!

  7. Phoebe and Gucci look fabulous. I'm reminded that i need a haircut myself. Every time i think i want very long hair... :) We've had odd weather out this way too. No snow, but the temp is rising and falling daily. It's weird.

  8. I always love the smell of the dogs after their grooming. Makes me wish I still had a poodle. I hope you get a break from the cold soon.

  9. Mmmmm-I'll bet the ponies love their warm water!

    When I get cold to the core I use my hair dryer and blow warm air under my jacket-just be sure to move it around so that you don't melt your long johns :) it's like taking a warm toasty bath and warms me up like nothing else! Give it a try!


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