Thursday, February 28, 2013


 What a sloppy mess.  The snow was like a slushie, crushed ice with water.


Let's hope these plants don't drown.
 John, our farrier, arrived at 11 and both girls were perfect for him.

 Moon's Mom (Lorrie) was here getting her stall set up.  If all goes as planned, she will arrive tomorrow morning.  Can't wait to meet her.
 Ran a couple of errands this afternoon and read a little before going out to do chores.

 It was still very light at 5:45....yey!!!!! 
 Made a salad for dinner....
 and added the leftover pasta to the leftover sauce....can't waste anything!
 I don't know about you, but I can't have a dinner without a salad.
 Night all.
I'll introduce Moon tomorrow.


  1. I can't have dinner without a glass of wine...haha I think you have the better habit!

  2. Ug! That's sloppy snow looks miserable. You have the longest Spring ever!

  3. Looking forward to seeing Moon :)

  4. A salad is a must have! Is that bleu cheese i spy on top? :)

    Your girls are so very lovely, and it appears, very well behaved. Sweet.

    That slushy crud looks kinda nasty. The only time that kind of thing would feel good is on a 90 degree July day. Blech.

  5. It was rainy and slushy here too Lori. Nice to see plants peeking at your place. Your girls look content to get their pedicure. Your suppers ALWAYS look delish! I look forward to meeting Moon :)

  6. Love the pic of your cool barn. You always make me hungry. Have a nice weekend Lori. Hugs B

  7. As always your dinners make me hungry. The girls look so good and I am chuckling that you all are so wet there...we are so dry. Never happy are we? LOL

  8. What a mess! Your horses are so lovely, I just want to hug them. And we always have salad with our dinners too. But spinach instead of lettuce. I should change that around every now and then. Take care.

  9. Oh Lori, I love the look of your farm and that barn is just gorgeous, what a great shape. (I'm in love with a barn, hey go figure!) lol.


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