Wednesday, February 13, 2013


 Grey this morning and not too fact, the girls left their hay to go out in the pasture for a roll.
 Gary had Yoga, so I was on my  own and managed in spite of my sore arm.

 Grabbed a hot shower and went to chorus.  Boy were we BAD today...drove Maryellen nuts!
 On the way home we stopped at Weggies and I bought another load of groceries.
 Eventually the sun came out and the melting started....a high temp near 40.

 Gary went down to watch the boys and you know what I did.
 I'm liking these light evenings...chores at 5:30.
 For some reason, my camera would not flash in the barn tonight and I could not get a decent shot.
So I took one of Berlin from the outside.

Can you believe it, I'm still not in a dinner cooking mode.  Tonight it was hot dogs (no nitrates) and I did manage to make some potato salad.
 Night all.


  1. Don't tell me you killed your new camera already!
    Snow tomorrow for us - just a bit, and we need it.

  2. Super photo from outside, a really mystical look.You still have heaps of snow, even with some melting.Take care of that left arm. Greetings to all, Jean

  3. Are you staying in or going out for Valentines Day? I picked up some lobster on my way home from work tonight so I'll make that. We always stay home.

  4. Your not kidding us lady, it's still freezing
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Benny & Lily


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