Monday, February 4, 2013

Finally...Another Beautiful Sunrise.

 It was good to see some color out there this morning.  Too many grey starts lately.

Before I went out to the barn I could not resist grabbing a shot of my orchid, which is still going strong.

Very cold, but relatively quiet.

 If we're lucky, it will be above freezing in a couple of days.

 After chores I went down to Agape and finally hit a total of 20 minutes on the elliptical.  It really is the aerobic workout I need.  All kinds of pals were there...even one of my students from the 90s.

On the way home I went to the bank and Wegmans.  Did some laundry and not much else.
Today my little Sony camera bit the dust.  It made a comeback a few weeks ago and was being held together with a rubberband.  Now when I press the start button, the lens stays out and I don't see a picture.  It must have been frozen to death and I give up.

Gary watched Finn and Coop this afternoon...I am on the prowl for another book.  Got any suggestions?

It was nice and light, so I didn't go out to do chores until 5:30.  Is there really such a thing as summer?
 Wrapped my Canon camera in a dish towel, it's bag and another bag (such a pain) and went out for evening chores.
 The girls were ready to chow.

 The sun was almost all the way down as I walked back to the house.

 We had a hefty lunch, so dinner was not a biggie.
 Made a little fruit cup and we had leftover soup and homemade bread.
Attention Annette and Buttons!!!!!!
Here's how I made it.
We had leftover Chicken French and Chicken Florentine the other night so I decided against making chicken salad and made chicken soup.  First I sauteed an onion, two carrots, a couple stalks of celery and about 1 cup of shredded cabbage.  Then I added chicken stock and 1 bag (about 2 cups) of sauce from our garden (onion, tomato, peppers, garlic and carrots)...let it simmer for awhile.  Finally I put in the sliced chicken (there were lots of mushrooms and some flat leafed parsley on it) and let it simmer again.  The last thing added ...the leftover pasta (Kluski egg noodles).  Man!  Nothing went to waste.  It was even better tonight and the noodles never got mushy.  We topped it with a little Romano let's see, I guess you could call it Italian Chicken Noodle/Veggie Soup.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Night all.


  1. Check your Kindle archive....there are four more Dorothy Frank books listed. Check Susan Isaacs and Louise Penney.

  2. Have you read 'We Took to the Woods' by Louise Dickinson Rich? I LOVE that book especially this time of year. Also 'the Dirty Life' by Kristin Kimball.

  3. I think that is called Everything But The Kitchen Sink soup - and it looks delish! The Secret Keeper is the best book I've read in awhile. I'm also addicted to Alice Munro's short stories.

  4. Beautiful Sunrise photos , actually enjoyed all the photos and hearing about your day! I am new to the blog world and have been looking to get a good camera to use for blog journal posts . Any suggestions ? Did you have a preference between your Sony and your Cannon, before your Sony bit the dust?

  5. there are zillions of free and cheap books for the Kindle (I get an e-mail every day with many of them showcased) and some of them are good reads - of course, some are not : ) Also, I thought I saw a commercial for a camera, maybe a CoolPix, that is new and it can freeze and get wet and get too hot and all that stuff and still be OK???

  6. your lovely pink orchid is the perfect antidote to grey cold winter days!

  7. I was happy to hear your good news about a camera on my comment. The blogger world is truly a beautiful place full of loving people and warm hearts.I hope I never have to leave.

    Hugs B

  8. Sounds like a nice day all around. And your soup does sound wonderful! For a change, our dinner was very similar to yours. I called mine Minestrone because I added some kidney beans and pasta along with chunks of chicken breast and tomatoes, zuchini, onions, carrots, celery, italian seasoning and chicken broth. Let it simmer all afternoon on top the woodstove and served crusty french bread. It was so good!! I also bought some Italian dressing so I can try your amazing salad tonight. Thanks so much Lori!!

  9. Beautiful day. Yesterday we saw the sun for about an grey drizzly and foggy.

    Makes for a good 'napping' day?

  10. 20 minutes on the elliptical is quite a work out. I'm starting an exercise/weigh loss journey (hopefully) tomorrow. I am looking forward to building up to being on the elliptical.... it was my favorite workout.


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