Sunday, February 17, 2013

Back In The Frigid Zone....

All that green grass we saw yesterday was covered up in no time.  It started snowing like crazy before 8 o'clock last night and kept on going for hours.

This morning I noticed the tulips started opening up....beautiful subject matter, so I had to grab a few shots before I ate my oatmeal.

 Lots of drama in the sky.

Still snowing....

 A good day to feed the girls their hay under the shed roof.  Boy was it cold...around 15 all day and the wind was nasty.

 Our driveway happens to be humungus and because the snow was light, we were able to shovel it pretty fast.

At 1 we went out to the barn to help Moon's Mom set up the mats in her stall and brought in some bedding.  I look forward to meeting this sweet little POA.

Around 2, Gary braved the elements again and met Randy in the village so they could go on their traditional Sunday walk.  No thank you...too cold for me.  You know what I did. Sat by the fire, read my book, fell asleep....
 Time for evening chores.  The light is so different after 5:30.  Everything has a blue tint.
 I'm sure Abbe and Berlin were happy to get inside the barn.

Late afternoon Jack and Louise stopped up with a coconut custard pie so we had dessert before dinner....
which was very simple.  Leftover chicken and gravy on a piece of toast with a side of apples and cranberry orange relish.

 Stayed in my long underwear and barn clothes all day....a real bum.
Night all.


  1. Ahhh, I started my day in PJ's and helped chore with coveralls on.

    Wow! Looks like winter wonderland again!

    So different from yesterday.

    Just cold here with a fresh brisk wind and a promise of 'weather' something tomorrow.

  2. I'd heard about more snow in your direction--We just have bitter cold here. I've stayed in where it's warm too. Spring will be here soon enough!

  3. My usual frigid weather uniform is Carhartts over PJs or sweats. Glamorous. Hope you warm up soon.

  4. Fantastic cupola shots. . . I especially like the first one. It appears to be an illustration rather than a photo.

  5. When its snowing and cold,long underwear and a book by the fire are the best thing. We might have snow here in a few days. Brett and I were discussing our wood supply over dinner -- I have to behave myself with wood consumption so we last the week. :)

  6. Cannot even think about 15 degrees (Brr!) Your tulips are just fabulous, and I love the fire shot (it's the reason for building those cozy fires that I'm not a fan of).
    I'm ready for some spring! ;o)

  7. I like the size of those flakes! How nice to treat yourself to desert first. You deserved it.

  8. Dear Lori, sounds like a lovely day--chilled air and yet a heating stove inside. You sitting in your long underwear, reading and absorbing--at least for a while-- the peace and silence that snow can bring. Peace.

  9. Definitely a good day for sitting by the fire and reading.


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