Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Winter Slow Down

 I don't know about you, but for me....during the winter I have the characteristics of a bear.
My life is so much slower...more relaxing.  Cozy fires do that to me.
 Pretty cold this morning....around 17 when I went out to the barn.  No wind, so it was ok.
 I've been feeding a little more hay lately.
 After chores I took a very hot shower, dropped off an audio book at the library and went to Wegmans.  Chili sounded good, so when the dogs and I got back to the farm a big pot was in order.
Never make it the same way twice.  Today's ingredients...onions, 1 carrot, 1 bag of our sauce, a big can of crushed tomatoes, salt, pepper, pepper flakes, chili powder, cumin (let that blend for awhile) added kidney beans, canalini, green beans and corn,  then heated it up.  (I also add some weird things like a shot of cider vinegar and a little brown sugar).  Had a quiet 4 I wanted to curl up under a blanket before going out to the barn.
 Went out around 5:15 and it wasn't too bad.

 It should get warmer tomorrow.  Need some sunshine....
 Tucked in the girls...lately, they go in their stalls when Gary brings out the warm water for their buckets.  By the time I feed the grain, they have started on their hay (which I set up in the morning).

 The salad for tonight....romaine, onion, roasted red peppers, olives and fresh romano cheese.
 Gary brought home some bread made by our friend Chet (also known as the "Breadman.")  He lives across the street from Jenny and saw Gary shoveling the driveway...brought over a couple loaves.  He has a blog called "Breadtime Stories" and has made thousands of loaves over the years. He gives them away...likes to pay it forward and people love him.

So much for today...not a lot of excitement.
Night all.


  1. I'm getting smarter. I check out your site and see what you're serving before heading to the kitchen. (California dinner time, here). I lucked out. You even have the recipe for Chili. Perfect! Love the night photos of the barn with the glowing light. Says peace to me.

  2. I add brown sugar to my chili too! I suppose my secret ingredient isn't secret after all.

  3. Corn in chili! What a good idea! I love corn, I make chili, I've never put them together! Duh.

  4. Brown sugar and apple cider vinegar sound like great additions to chili.

  5. I love the photo of the warm glowing light coming from the barn across the blue cold snow. Just beautiful :)

  6. Hmmm your slow days are still busier than most people's ;-).

  7. A quiet day is nice. The girls look very cozy in their blankies and stalls.

  8. Had chili for lunch today . . . and me, too, feel like a bear - want to curl up and sleeeep. xx


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