Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Red Sky This Morning, Was it a Warning?

 Before 9 o'clock the sky turned grey and the temperature inched it's way up to the low 40s.
 It was pretty quiet, so I put the hay under the shed roof.
 I also spread some old hay over the ice, so when it melts and refreezes there will be plenty of texture to walk on.  Sidney tried to turn it into a hideout.
 We had chorus today and got our new music.  I am so psyched!  Two of the songs are African and there will be plenty of opportunity for drumming.  Hopefully two of my fellow drummers, who happen to also be in chorus, will join me.  Today I took along my new Turkish drum, the Doumbek....and it worked out beautifully.  It only weighs about a pound and can be carried with one finger (unlike my djembe, which weighs a ton).

 This afternoon the sun appeared along with VERY strong wind gusts.  The snow and ice started melting but not enough.  Tomorrow I have bridge here and don't want anyone to slip and fall in the driveway.
 Gary had Finn and Coop duty and was able to start dinner for Jen before she got home.
I made egg and olive sandwiches with a side of roasted pictures....duh.

Put the girls in a little later as it is staying light longer.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday should be in the 50s.  Go figure.

By the way, the number of people in this county with flu is record breaking.  What is happening where you live?
Stay healthy!
Night all.


  1. How is your flu coming? or has it gone away? Beautiful drum! and glorious photos of the morning sky!!

  2. egg and olive sandwiches? Sounds interesting. You must expain them further; I am intrigued. There is a lot of flu out here as well. I'm hoping we escape. It was sunny and warm here today but a storm is coming in tonight and we may have snow tomorrow.

  3. Mmmm, 50's sound nice. Missing the sunshine.Enjoy!

  4. Very nice sunrise....i like these warm colors...... other pictures are also lovely.

    Greetings, Joop

  5. That drum is beautiful. I love the size of it. The flu is making it's rounds at home and at work. I fight it with an arsenal of vitamins and herbs and Airborne.

  6. Flu happenings are exploding here in Nebraska. More reason to stay home!

  7. Yep - flu is here too.

    Loved those pink sky shots.

  8. That new drum is so pretty, can't wait to hear the sound!

  9. What gorgeous color you caught! There have been red morning skies here in Ohio too...nothing to be warned of yet!

  10. Love the drum. Your morning shots are fabulous. It is so icy here I slid down the barn yard on my butt:)
    The flu is crazy here too but I had a flu shot, so far so good. We get the flu shot here for free. Seems to work.
    About your question about Annie hopefully six weeks then cal starter grain. Time consuming:) B

  11. Very pretty sky, and new drum.
    We're headed to a bitterly cold weekend.

  12. Oou, egg and olive sandwiches...have to try that. we usually peanut butter pickle sandwiches for something different.
    Your drum is absolutely stunning, my husband would just love to see that. He,'s actually starting up his drum ensemble again I'm so happy for him.

    You're right the weather is getting a little bit warmer finallyand the light is staying longer,yea!

    I really love the cat photo, hiding in the hay!

  13. Awesome blog!I really like it and Doumbek is very beautiful.


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