Friday, January 18, 2013

Not Much Excitement Today...

 At first it was very grey this morning.

 Then the sun poked through.

 Chores as usual...we actually got a couple inches of snow last night.
 After jabbering on the phone and checking my email, drove down to Agape.  Gary was already there.
 The solar heat was melting the snow, even tho it was very cold.

 The girls were snoozing.
 I put some hay near them so they would not have to go in the shade.
 Vegged in the house and even took a catnap before chores.
 Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the mid 40s.  Go figure.
 A carrot/apple/raisin salad...
 and leftover veggie/barley soup for dinner....I need to cook something special one of these days.
Night all.


  1. Quiet here as well. feeling a bit better but still no energy. I took a catnap this afternoon, too.

  2. Your header salad Lori looks divine! Yum!
    We had snow here today too. Finally looking like winter in Nova Scotia.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I adore soups this time of year.. well any time of year actually. :) Barley is so comforting. Your girls look relaxed...

  4. lovely snow, mid 40's that is our 7C, cold!!! Super photos as always. the sunrise is lovely, cheers from Jean.

  5. Soup is the best thing about winter. My current favourite is potato and jalapeno, but I do a mean leek & potato too :)

  6. Looking at one more mild day today before it's in the teens tomorrow. :)

  7. Beautiful pictures. The girls look cozy and relaxed as usual. We didn't get snow but it's freezing here. Going to see Lincoln today. Soup is always good in cold weather. I made Shepperd's Pie last night. That was pretty good and it lasts for left overs which is the best part.

  8. this sunrise is amazing!
    welcome to tina´s picstory :)

  9. You should be styling and photographing food for a food magazine - I'm serious - your food photography is amazing! Not that your other stuff isn't good too - it is. It's just that your food photos are so gorgeous and appetizing. You make me want to go cook :)

  10. It's supposed to warm up here by this afternoon. Nice and cold mornings but no snow. I so wish we had some. Your soup looks so good.
    Thanks for sharing in your comment when I was upset.

  11. WHAT a 'mother' to your girls. Hey, hey, HAY!

  12. sigh. even your leftovers look wonderful... we have temps in the 40's, with intermittent bouts of cold weather and snow...I love the moisture - i expect to see green things this spring!


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