Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm Freezin' and We Aren't Even to the Single Digits Yet!

 Every morning my routine is the same.  I wake up just before the darkness disappears...let the dogs out and the cats in.  Feed the dogs, feed the cats.  Put on my long underwear and sweats, fill up two gallon jugs with hot water, grab a couple carrots and the soaked beet pulp, put on my hat, coat, boots and gloves...put coats on the dogs and go out to the barn.  Gary comes out a few minutes later.  First I turn on the lights by the stalls, then the light and radio in the feed room, where I add supplements and beet pulp to the grain.  Top it off with a carrot and serve it to my girls.  While they are eating, I set the hay up outside and clean out their grain buckets, setting them up for the evening feed.  Also get the beet pulp ready to take in the house and soak it.  By then it's time for Abbe and Berlin to go out under the shed roof for breakfast.  Abbe is always done first as she only gets a tuna fish can of Safe Choice while Berlin gets a pound.  (In the winter, I do give them more beet pulp).  This morning she was trying to rush Berlin.
 As I have said many times, that shed roof is about the best thing we ever did.  Protection year 'round.
Gary helped me with stalls and we were outathere very quickly.
 Got a little dusting of snow last night.  It's getting colder and colder.
 The girls spent time in the pasture eating iced grass.

Went down to Agape at about 10.  Gary showed up then too (after going to Java for coffee).
 I'm just about at 15 minutes on the eliptical with a goal of 20.
 Home in time for lunch....
 and made the mistake of putting by butt to the fire.  Before I knew it I felt like a wet noodle and was ready for a nap.  My pals must have felt the same way.

 The light was very purplish tonight when I went out to do evening chores.
Tucked the girls in around 5:30.
 Thanks to Carrie (who sent me home with a ton of food last night) dinner was a no brainer.
 Thought I would try the Flour City Pasta Sally gave us....
 It was great.

Finally, I'm going to grab a very hot shower.
Night all.


  1. Lori, You do have a busy day with never a day off. Can't ever just "wait till tomorrow" to feed the horses. I must say your dinner looked scrumptious!!! It was cold here but will be in the
    50s tomorrow but then back down to the teens. I wish we had some of that beautiful snow that you have. We need the moisture desperately. Have a terrific weekend. Mickie :)

  2. I'll bet that routine keeps you healthy. Your fire looks so cozy, and it looks like your friends agree! :) Yummy looking supper, by the way, and there's nothing quite like the gorgeous lavender light around dusk...

  3. We are finally warming up. I think the weekend is going to be nice. I was in bed before 9:00 last night and slept until past 6:30. I feel better today so maybe I'll kick this bug before it kicks me. Do you drink coffee? Gary is going to Java all the time but not you... I hafta say that I'd be tagging along with... Gary.

  4. be sure to moisturize after that hot shower.

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
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  5. I love hearing about your routine. Can't imagine how simple and peaceful a herd of 2 must be after you have had so many to care for in the past!

    We are quite spoiled at the new house-the temps have been in the 50's and 60's for most of the past 2 weeks and the lows in the 30's and 40's. We are loving it as are all the critters!

    Stay warm!!

  6. Wow Lori, you do have a busy day and as I've said to you before, you do this all without hired help. Most of us here in Africa would collapse after one day of all that physical labor. I love the look of your dinner. Yum. Hope you're wrapped up warm - have a great weekend. Jo

  7. Busy days, routine that has to be followed, horses, cats and dogs, waiting, their time clock will know the order of each morning.All that you do is so necessary for their happiness and health, hope you get a big "thumbs up" from them all. Cheers from Jean.

  8. Another lovely day at Skoog Farm. We've had carry out almost every night this week. Sigh.

  9. We love our shed roof too. The horses are really good about staying under it and staying dry when it snows...except for Ben.

  10. You have perfected your routine.Nice. I still have little ones so my "routine" is daily chaos. :) Looks like you are having a fairly enjoyable winter.


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